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On current bills:

Hamilton - $10

Franklin - $100

On bills no longer in use:

$10,000 - Salmon P. Chase

Alexander Hamilton and Ben Franklin of course.

Salmon P. Chase was on the $10,000 bill when there were larger denomination bills printed. A bit of history shows he did just about everything in American Politics. He was U.S. Senator, a Governor, Secretary of the Treasury and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

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Q: Who are the only faces that appear on the US currency that were not US presidents?
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What presidents are on a 1 cent stamp?

I think that only Washington and Jefferson are the only US presidents to appear on 1-cent stamps.

By law the only portraits of these people may appear on US currency and securities?

The only restriction on whose portrait may appear on US currency is that it may not depict a living person. Contrary to widespread misunderstanding, there is no law or other rule limiting portraits to former presidents. Two current bills ($10 and $100) depict individuals - Hamilton and Franklin - who never served as president, and prior to 1928 numerous other non-presidents appeared on paper money.

Who were the only two Americans to appear on a coin who were not presidents?

Sacajawea, and the American buffalo

Who were the only two Americans to appear on a US coin who were not presidents?

Sacajawea, and the American buffalo

Who was the only American to appear on the us coin who were not presidents?

Benjamin Franklin - Half Dollar

Who were the only 2 Americans to appear on u.s. coins that were not presidents?

sacagawea and susan b. anthony

How many presidents are on the US Cent?

Abraham Lincoln is the only president to appear on the US cent (a/k/a penny)

What are the four currency denominations with portraits other than us presidents?

Current circulating currency only has 2 non-presidents: Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill and Ben Franklin on the $100 bill. And among other currency issued in the 20th century that's no longer in use, there was only one denomination with a non-president: the $10,000 bill that had a picture of Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury (1861-1864)

Was Hamilton that's on the 10 dollar bill ever a President?

No he was not. He was secretary of the Treasury. He and Ben Franklin are the only two people who are on current paper currency that were not presidents.

Who are the only two Americans to appear on the us coin who are not presidents?

In print, only four men have appeared on American currency which were not presidents. The first was Alexander Hamilton on the ten dollar bill. The second was Benjamin Franklin on the hundred-dollar bill the third Head of the Treasury, Salmon Chase, on the $10,000 bill and the fourth was John Marshall who was the fourth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1801-1835, on the $500 bill.

What presidents are on paper money?

In the US, only Washington($1), Jefferson ($2), Lincoln $5), Jackson ($20) and Grant ($50) currently appear.

Why does Hamilton's face left on the ten dollar bill and everyone else faces right?

Because the portrait the image is based on is like that. Hamilton is the only person featured on U.S. currency not born in the United States, as he was from the West Indies. Hamilton is one of two non-presidents featured on currently issued U.S. bills. The other is Benjamin Franklin, on the $100 bill.