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The South supported it because it could have allowed new slave-states.

The Northern abolitionists opposed it for the same reason.

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Q: Who are the people who supported the kansas - nebraska act and who opposed it?
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The kansas nebraska act had enraged many people who opposed the extension of slavery because it repealed the?

Many people were enraged at the Kansas-Nebraska act because it did away with the Missouri Compromise. The Kansas-Nebraska act was enacted in 1854.

What law gave people in Kansas and Nebraska the choice of whether or not to allow slavery in their states?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 allowed the residents of Kansas and Nebraska to decide through popular sovereignty whether to allow slavery within their borders. This overturned the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and resulted in significant conflict and violence in the region as both pro- and anti-slavery settlers sought to influence the outcome.

How did the south feel about the Kansas-Nebraska act?

Hopeful that the people of Kansas and Nebraska might vote for slavery in those states.

Why did many people from the north oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Many Abolitionists opposed it, but most Northerners were not Abolitionists. The reason they opposed it was because it could have allowed new slave-states, if the local population voted for it.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide the issue of slavery by popular sovereignty. The people who lived in these territories would be able to vote on whether?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide the issue of slavery by popular sovereignty. The people who lived in these territories would be able to vote on whether slavery would be allowed there. What effect did this have on Kansas?

What was the outcome of the kansas nebraska act?

A miscontate and people died

Who are the people who supported the new US Constitution?

The federalists supported it the anti-federalists opposed it

Stephen Douglas proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. This act opened the area of Kansas and Nebraska to which of the following people?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 opened these two territories for citizens to vote on the slavery issue. While all went well in Nebraska, pro and anti-slavery people had violent and deadly clashes over that issue.

Stephen Douglas proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. This act opened the area of Kansas and Nebraska to which of the following people?

pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups

What are 2 effects of the Kansas Nebraska act of 1854?

The Kansas - Nebraska Act of 1854 negated the 1850 Missouri Compromise. The most disturbing result of this legislation was a bloody conflict in Kansas between pro slavery people and anti slavery people.

How do you think people in the North reacted to the Kansas Nebraska Act?

Happy because of Kansas being a free state----

How do you think people in the north react to the kansas nebraska act?

Happy because of Kansas being a free state----