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Q: Who are the three founding fathers of Oregon?
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who were the three french enlightenment thinkers and one english enlightenment thinker who influeneced our founding fathers?

Why did our country founding fathers create a government with three branches?

The Founding Fathers wanted to make it difficult for one person, party, or group to get control of the government.

Who was a Massachusetts lawyer John Adams John Hancock Samuel Adams or Patrick Henry?

All three were Patriots and Founding Fathers.

When did the founding fathers become founding fathers?

I think on 1943

Did any of the founding fathers have pets?

no.none of the founding fathers have pets

Who made the government?

In the US, our founding fathers.

What would you tell a founding father?

I would ask Americas founding fathers, how they became Americas founding fathers? Also why did they sign the deceleration of independence? Lastly why do we have founding fathers?

How many Founding Fathers were there?

There were 74 delegates/founding fathers at the constitutional convention

How did the founding fathers define life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

The three inalienable rights.

Why is Garibaldi Oregon named after Giuseppe Garibaldi?

One of the founding fathers (not Italian) of the town considered Garibaldi his hero and got the settlement named after him.

What did the four founding fathers do?

Which ones? There are more than four founding fathers, my friend.

What is meant by the Founding Fathers were men of their time?

What is meant by "the Founding Fathers were men of their time"