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Q: Who are the two famous astronauts born in Ohio?
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Name the two famous astranauts born in Ohio?

neil Armstrong and john glenn

Which country did the two astronauts belong to?

Which two astronauts are you asking about. Supplying their names would help us answer you.

How many presidents were Democrats that were from Ohio?

There were two Presidents who were Democrats and came from Ohio: William Henry Harrison and William McKinley. However, it is important to note that they were born in Ohio, but they were not necessarily considered Ohioans in terms of their political careers.

The astronauts went to space from Oklahoma?

John Glenn & Jerrie Cobb and neal Armstrong Actually John Glenn and Neil Armstrong were both from Ohio, and Jerrie Cobb (while she deserved to be) was never an astronaut. The two best-known astronauts from Oklahoma were Gordon "Gordo" Cooper and Tom Stafford.

What Ohio college did Archie Griffin play for and won what famous college football trophy two times?

Archie Griffin played at Ohio State and won the Heisman Trophy twice.

Was born in 1807 on a plantation on the banks of the potomac river?

he was born in1822 in a two / room log cabin in ohio

Who was born in 1822 in a two-room log caben in Ohio?

Robert E. Lee

Were any of the Duggar Children born in Ohio?

None of the Duggar children were born in Ohio. All 19 of them (plus Josh and Anna's two children, Mackynzie and Michael) were born in Arkansas. Michelle's side of the family lives in Ohio, but the Duggar's have never lived there together as a family.

Who where first two astronauts who walk in the moon?

The first astronauts to walk on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.

What city was Annie Oakley born in?

She was born in a log cabin two miles outside of Woodland which is now Willowdell, Ohio.

Who were the three astronauts to first land on the moon and when?

Uptil this day only two astronauts have landed on the moon, and never three .

What is Paul Telfer famous for?

There are two famous Paul Telfers, each one famous for something different. One is a scottish born footballer and the other is a british born actor. The footballer is more famous.