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Q: Who argues that deviant behavior is only deviant because people label it as deviant?
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Why people are deviant?

People may engage in deviant behavior due to a variety of reasons, such as seeking excitement, rebelling against societal norms, or pursuing personal gain. Psychological factors, life circumstances, and peer influences can also play a role in shaping deviant behavior. It's important to remember that deviance is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon with diverse underlying motivations.

Do Mindless Behavior argue?

Probably. Everyone argues, escpecially people who are togerther all the time. Arguing is healthy among strong relationships which mindless behavior has.

What is Hirschi's control theory?

Hirschi's control theory argues that individuals with strong social bonds are less likely to engage in deviant behavior. These social bonds include attachment to others, commitment to conformity, involvement in conventional activities, and belief in the moral validity of social norms. Stronger bonds lead to increased self-control and less likelihood of deviance.

What According to labeling theory what is most important about an act of deviance?

How people react to what was done. ~Apex

Which theory of deviance places significance on names or reputations given to people when they engage in certain types of behavior?

Labeling theory examines how social labels or reputations assigned to individuals can influence their behavior and shape their self-identity. This theory suggests that when individuals are labeled as deviant by society, they may internalize this label and continue engaging in deviant behavior as a result.

Can something be illegal yet not deviant?

Yes, something can be illegal without being considered deviant if the behavior is not seen as going against societal norms or values. For example, jaywalking may be illegal in some places but not necessarily seen as deviant by the general public.

What is drift theory in criminology?

Drift theory in criminology suggests that individuals can move back and forth between conforming and deviant behaviors based on situational influences and personal motivations. This theory argues that individuals may "drift" to criminal behavior temporarily before returning to a more conventional lifestyle. Drift theory challenges the idea that people are either purely criminal or purely law-abiding, proposing instead that behavior can be fluid and situational.

Why are not all deviant acts considered crimes?

Because only the acts specified by the legislature are the ones included in the statute and enforced. There is broad disagreement among many people what constitutes a "deviant" act. What is 'deviant' in one persons eyes, is an accepted practice in another's.

Is lying considered deviant behavior?

Yes, lying can be considered a form of deviant behavior. According to Émile Durkheim's functionalist perspective, deviance serves several important functions for society, including clarifying social norms and increasing conformity. Lying can have a negative effect on these functions, as it can lead to confusion and mistrust between individuals and can lead to a breakdown in social order. Additionally, conflict theorists argue that people with power pass laws and use the legal system to secure their position at the top of society, and violations of the law, including lying, can be seen as deviant behaviors.

What is a sentence using the word deviant?

the artist based his reputation on creating deviant works of art that disgusted most of the people

Is deviance inherited?

Deviance is not inherited in a genetic sense. While there may be genetic predispositions that can influence behavior, deviance is primarily shaped by social and environmental factors such as upbringing, peers, and societal norms.

What does Celebrate Recovery do for people?

Celebrate Recovery is a multi-step program designed to rehabilitate deviant sexual behavior through the principles of Christianity. For those who believe that Jesus offers them a solution to their problems, this program can change and improve their behavior by changing their life's focus.