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>>genesis 1:24 explains God created all living creatures (this included dinosaurs and apes)

>>genesis 1:26 explains God made man.

AnswerThe idea that man walked the earth before (or even with) the dinosaurs is not borne out by any physical evidence whatsoever. None. Quite the contrary. This does not say anything about creation, but only about the order of the arrival of living things on earth. A huge number of living creatures arose, populated the earth, and then died off completely before man appeared - including the dinosaurs. AnswerAs far as the Biblical record goes it says that the apes and dinosaurs were created before man, on day 6. Man of course being the pinnacle of creation.

Evolutionists interpret the fossil record to relate to the history of the planet in terms of the dogma of uniformitarianism. The problem is that many fossils do not fit into the scheme such as polystrate fossils and there are also many gaps in the fossil record compared to what evolution would predict. This is acknowledged by evolutionists themselves.

Creationists interpret the fossil record to relate not so much to the evolution of life on earth but to the order of burial in the flood and other related events. Thus, 'simpler', less mobile forms of life are buried lower generally than forms of life which are mobile and able to escape to higher ground. In addition to this we find large fossil graveyards where huge numbers of specimens are buried catastrophically.

Considering the immense numbers of humans and 'sub-humans' who would have walked the earth if evolution were true, it is indeed surprising to know how little actual evidence exists for human evolution and how few specimens there are. The catastrophic flood of Noah's day was designed as a terrible judgment on the wicked world of that day. It is not surprising under this paradigm that there are so few specimens of the genus homo from that pre-flood world, if any at all.

Evolutionists are keen to point out the incompleteness of the fossil record, or even to say there are not enough paleontologists when confronted by the gaps in their theory. As far as the creation side goes it could simply be said 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.' The problem for evolution is that there is plenty of evidence, the wrong kind of evidence.

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Q: Who arrived on earth first Adam and Eve or the ape or the dinosaur?
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