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Q: Who believed the early giraffes had short necks?
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Why do the giraffes have such a long neck?

Because if they had short necks they would be horses.

Can giraffes have small necks?

No, giraffes are all long necked. If an animal has a short neck, it is a different species of animal.

How does the giraffes tall help him?

so they can reach leaves from trees its hard if they were short and there necks to

Is genetics an example of an adaptation?

No. Genetics is a topic in biology. I think what you mean is, the mutations that form in DNA to give different features may be beneficial to the survival of the organism. E.g. Giraffes with long necks are more likely to survive than the giraffes with short necks because they can reach leaves on higher trees but the short giraffes can not. The short giraffes have evidently become extinct as a result.

Why did giraffes have short necks?

They do not have short necks. They have very long necks. compared to their body size they have short necks because when they try to drink water they have to spread out their legs to reach water so they could be attacked and if they were they would be very vulnerable.

Darwin and Lamarck had different ideas about why all giraffes now have long necks why?

Lamarck would have said that the ancestors of modern-day giraffes had short necks but stretched their necks as they tried to reach leaves in trees; so, their descendants were born with longer necks. Darwin would have said that in a population of ancestral giraffes, some had slightly longer necks than others; the long-necked giraffes were better able to feed on tree leaves and as a result produced more offspring. Over time, the proportion of longnecked giraffes in the population increased.

If Lamark and Darwin had debated why giraffes have such long necks how would their explanations differed?

Lamarck would have said that the ancestors of modern-day giraffes had short necks but stretched their necks as they tried to reach leaves in trees; so, their descendants were born with longer necks. Darwin would have said that in a population of ancestral giraffes, some had slightly longer necks than others; the long-necked giraffes were better able to feed on tree leaves and as a result produced more offspring. Over time, the proportion of longnecked giraffes in the population increased.

Did Lamarck believes that giraffes came to have long necks through stretching their necks?

Lamarck believed that acquired traits could be inheritable. So as each generation voluntarily extended their necks, their genetics changed, allowing them to have offspring with their necks already that length.On the other hand, Darwin would have said that the genes mutated on their own and that shorter giraffes would be unable to reach enough food and die. The rest would in turn live to pass on their beneficial genes for longer necks.

Who are Darwin and lamark?

Charles Darwin was a naturalist and the author of On the Origin of Species. Darwin believed that species evolved though random mutation, with mutations that caused a beneficial change being more successful than those that caused maladaptive or no change. He called this process "natural selection."Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was a naturalist who believed that creatures could change during their own lifetime, acquiring characteristics in response to changes in the environment, which they could then pass on to their offspring.For example, we know that giraffes have long necks. Lamarck would say that giraffes with shorter necks would stretch high to reach leaves in the tops of trees. This would stretch their necks. Their offspring would then be born with longer necks. Darwin said that short-necked giraffes would have competition with other grazing animals, so giraffes with even a slightly longer neck would be able to eat leaves that antelope and other grazers couldn't reach. These giraffes would be more likely to be well fed and reproduce, and pass their longer necks along to their offspring.We now know that, with some limitations, Darwins theory is corect.

How has the giraffe changed over time?

Thousands of years ago the giraffe had a short neck comparable to that of todays horse, over time and through evolution the giraffes neck grew so that it could reach the bottom of tree branches. This long neck ensured their survival, (survival of the fittest).

Do dolphins have necks?

Yes. Dolphins have short stiff necks.

Why do giraffes have long neck?

Answer The short answer is that one way or another, having a long neck became an advantage for survival. Beyond that, opinions differ. The old theory stated that the long necks allowed giraffes to eat leaves out of reach from other animals. Less competition about food can be a survival advantage. As explanations goes, this has some weaknesses. There are plenty of other animals living alongside giraffes that seems to be doing just fine w/o reaching that high. A newer theory is that it's more about breeding rights. Male giraffes fight by standing close to each other and swing their heads into each other. Here, a longer neck is a definite fighting advantage, and you get the elevated grazing as a side effect. Answer So it can reach the trees and vegetation that in the giraffe's native home is usually growing taller to allow for air movement underneath the plant to help with the temp. Answer Giraffes have a long neck as there is much competition for food and by having long necks, they can reach higher branches that other animals cannot get to. Answer Long necks are an evolutionary change which has happened to giraffes over a long period of time. They have long necks is because giraffes love green juicy leaves but the juicy leaves are at the very top where none of the other animals can reach. The giraffes have to reach to the top to get the juicy leaves that is why their long necks help them eat.