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Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller's teacher and lifelong companion, best understood Helen Keller's first limited sign language. Anne Sullivan developed a system of tactile sign language to communicate with Helen when she was a child, eventually teaching her Braille and speech as well.

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Q: Who best understood Helen Keller's first limited sign language?
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How did Helen Keller understand language?

Helen Keller learned to understand language through touch. She learned sign language by feeling the movements of her teacher's hands, and also learned to speak by feeling the vibrations of her teacher's voice. Through these tactile methods, she was able to associate words with their meanings and communicate effectively.

How did Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan help with American sign language?

Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan helped promote American Sign Language by demonstrating its effectiveness in communication, raising awareness about the deaf community, and advocating for its acceptance as a legitimate language. Their collaboration and success in Helen's education highlighted the importance of sign language as a vital tool for deaf individuals to communicate and connect with the world around them.

Did Annie Sullivan invent sign language?

No, Annie Sullivan did not invent sign language. She was a teacher for Helen Keller and used a modified version of the manual alphabet to teach Keller how to communicate. Sign language has evolved over centuries and is used by deaf communities around the world.

How do you say helen in sign language?

In American Sign Language (ASL), the name "Helen" can be signed by forming the letter "H" with your dominant hand and tracing a path from your shoulder to your hip in a downward motion. This sign represents the initial letter of the name "Helen."

What signs did Helen Keller learn at the age of 7?

Helen Keller learned fingerspelling and tactile sign language at the age of 7. She started using these forms of communication to understand and connect with the world around her.

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in her family was helen , james her brother the parents and her teacher

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brown was the color of helen kellers dog!

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"The Story of my Life"

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Tabitha Grey.