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In Greek mythology, the Greeks built the horse.

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Q: Who built the wooden horsethe Greeks or the trojans?
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What happened with the Trojan war?

The Greeks built a huge wooden horse, and the Trojans brought it into their city. Then at night, when the Trojans were sound asleep, the Greeks came out of the horse and destroyed the city. So to sum it all up, the Trojans lost.

When was the first wooden horse famous?

The oldest wooden horse that became famous was probably the Trojan Horse. Built hundreds of years ago as a "gift" by the Greeks to the Trojans. Greeks would hide inside the horse, and attack once they were inside the city.

How did the greek defeat the Trojans in the Trojan war?

The greeks built a giant wooden horse and said they surrendered and they should accept it as a symbol of peace.The trojans took it inside the walls and the greeks inside the horse opened the gates and let the greek army in form inside the wall

Who built the Trojan Horse?

The Greeks grew weary of the tedious war. Athena was one of the goddess that Paris did not choose. She inspired the Greeks to build a giant wooden horse as a way of tricking the Trojans into opening their gates.

Why did the mycenaean build the giant wooden horse?

They built it to hide soldiers, when the big wooden horse was brought into the city, the soldiers escaped through the hatch, and carried out their mission!

What is the actual quote and who is Laocoon speaking to when he says 'Beware of Greeks bearing gifts'?

He is referring to the famous Greek invasion of troy when the Greeks built a giant wooden horse for the Trojans secretly filled with soldiers, so at night the soldiers let the army in, and the Greeks conquered Troy. Laocoon is talking to his fellow Trojans, and the actual quote is "Do not trust the Horse, Trojans / Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks even bearing gifts."

How does the Trojan war end?

The Trojan War finally ended when the Achaeans tricked the Trojans, by hiding in a wooden horse offering. The Trojans allowed the horse inside their city, and that night feasted and drank until they went to sleep. The Achaeans burnt the city of Troy to the ground, killed the men and took the women as prisoners.

How did the Greeks conquer the city of troy?

For a long time the battle was only held outside the walls of Troy. But after many years of warfare, Odysseus finally came up with a plan of the trojan horse. A wild tale was concocted that would lead the trojans to believe that they must allow the entrance of the horse. When night came and the trojans were all asleep after their drunken celebration, the greek soldiers came out of the horse and put fire on the houses and killed most of the trojans before the latter learned that they were tricked.

Why was the Trojan horse built?

The legend has it that, as the Greeks could not take the city by assault, they pretended to evacuate their forces, leaving behind the wooden horse with warriors concealed inside it. The Trojans took the horse inside the city, the concealed warriors at night opened the gates, and the returned Greek army entered the city and captured it.

Who was Greek who built a wooden horse?

Greek is army and Ulysses built a wooden horse....

How did the Trojan horse help the Trojans defeat the Greeks?

It didn't. The Trojan Horse was used by the Greeks to trick the Trojans, allowing the Greeks to breach the walls of Troy and sack the city. After a long series of battles around and in front of the city of Troy, the Greeks were unable to breach Troy's defenses, and were low on morale. The suggestion (attributed to Ulysses) was to use trickery rather than force to break into Troy. Thus, playing on the superstitions and beliefs of the Trojans, the Greeks built a large wooden sculpture in the shape of a horse, and left it on the beach, before sailing away, apparently abandoning the fight with Troy. According to legend, the Trojans saw this mighty horse as an offering by the Greeks to their Gods for a safe trip home. Counseled by priests that the best way to bring the Gods' favor to Troy instead of the Greeks was to bring the Horse into Troy for a celebration, the Trojans did so, and held a huge party. What they didn't know was that the Greeks had merely pretended to leave, sailing but a short distance away (a few dozen leagues). They had left a small band of soldiers hidden inside a secret compartment of the Horse. Late at night, when all the Trojans were asleep after their huge celebratory party, these soldiers slipped out, and overwhelmed the few city guards still awake. They then opened Troy's main city gates, where the entire rest of the Greek army had returned from the fake retreat, and was waiting for the gates to open. Thus, the Greeks gained access to Troy while it slept, and quickly massacred everyone they could. Now, of course, this whole tale is brought to us by (primarily) Homer, and is unknown if (or how much of) it is true. We know Troy existed, and that there was indeed a Trojan war, but how Troy was defeated is not known for a fact.

How do the Greeks win at troy?

Troy had huge walls built around the city and the Greeks couldn't breach the walls thus they failed to take the city until..they thought of a plan to deceive the Trojans. What the Greeks did was pretend to retreat and sail back to Greece while leaving a large wooden horse behind. The horse was said to be a gift to the goddess Athena (for safe travel home) and a gift to the Trojans for their apparent victory. The Trojans took the Horse into the city and celebrated. Little did they know, that there were Greek soldiers in the Horse waiting. Come nightfall, when everyone was asleep, they left the horse and stormed the gates. They successfully signaled to the Greek fleet (which was hiding offshore) and opened the gates. What followed was the sacking of Troy. If you are more interested in reading about the Trojan war, I recommend you read "The odyssey" or watch the movie Troy, starring Brad Pitt and Eric Bana.