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Q: Who called Chaucer the Well of English undefiled?
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What are different bout Shakespeare and Chaucer?

Well, for a start, Chaucer lived some 200 years before Shakespeare did. And although they both spoke English, Shakespeare spoke Modern English but Chaucer spoke Middle English, which means that they would not have been able to understand each other. Another difference is that Shakespeare was a professional writer. Chaucer was not; he was a civil servant.

Name a poet who wrote in the Middle English?

Geoffrey Chaucer is a well-known poet who wrote in Middle English. He is most famous for his work "The Canterbury Tales," which is a collection of stories written in verse.

How old was chaucer?

chaucer was a English writer that wrote Cantebury Tales Well, on his second birthday he was two years old, but then on his seventh birthday he turned seven years old. Please be more specific with your question so we can help you with a proper answer.

What English still contains the same pronunciation?

apple, ball, two, three, cat are all well before Chaucer's time Spelling has changed slightly, but the sounds are clear

English poet and playright who is considered as one of the greatestwriters?

The author of the tragedy Othello is William Shakespeare. He wrote nearly 30 plays, as well as sonnets and poems.

What is the train called in Canada?

English and French is the language of Canada. So "Train" is called "Train" in English as well as French .

What was happening in Europe during Geoffrey Chaucer's lifetime?

Well he survived the plage

What is Geoffrey Chaucer most famous for?

Geoffrey Chaucer is most famous for writing "The Canterbury Tales," a collection of stories about a group of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral. It is considered a seminal work in English literature and provides a vivid snapshot of medieval life and society.

What social class was Geoffrey Chaucer a part of?

Geoffrey Chaucer was born into a middle-class family in the 14th century. He held various positions in the royal court and served as a diplomat, indicating his connection to the aristocracy. However, he was not born into the nobility and did not belong to the highest social class.

Why is earth called prithvi in Hindi?

Well, I have a question too! Why is prithvi called as earth in English?

Could Shakespeare have read the writing of Geoffrey Chaucer?

It is possible that Shakespeare could have read the works of Geoffrey Chaucer as Chaucer's writings were well-known and influential during the Renaissance period. Shakespeare's own works show elements that may have been influenced by Chaucer's writing style and themes. However, there is no definitive evidence to suggest that Shakespeare specifically read Chaucer's works.

What is basil called in English?

The same word in English...Basil, less well known as Saint Josephs Wort