

Who came to Muhammad and told him to start a new religion?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Muslims believe that the angel Gabriel (Jibrel) came to Muhammad. Islam teaches that Muhammad did not so much start a new religion as reveal ancient truths on which Judaism and Christianity were already based.

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Q: Who came to Muhammad and told him to start a new religion?
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What told Muhammad to proclaim in ad 610 thus beginning a new religion known as Islam?

The Angel Gabriel

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Muhammad was a prophet and he was told everything by an angel. It was revealed to him. Much like it was revealed to Moses.

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His wife, Hazrat Khudeeja RAU greeted him and consoled him when he came back from the Cave Hira and told her what had happened to him there.

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they wear the Hijab to show respect for their religion of Islam. they also wear it because Allah (God) told them to. Allah told angel Gabriel and he told prophet Muhammad while he was meditating in a cave

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Islam in its universal sense started by start of God creation of the universe and was the call of all prophets since start of mankind including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). Refer to related question below.

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The Angel Gabriel came to Him and told him to.

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Is Islam is a religion?

Yes, indeed, it is. Islam is the religion practiced by those called "Muslims" and they believe that a prophet, named Muhammad or Mohammad, was the recipient of special revelations from an angel, which in turn came from God. He wrote down the instructions he received from this divine source and told them to others who in turn followed him on his mission to spread his message and convert others to Islam either by their own will or by raw force.

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Some tell how people and the world came to be.Others told why things in the world are the way they are

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Allah Subhanatala told Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about islam.