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In 1941, Nazi Germany decided to kill off all of the Jews in their occupied territories, but it presented a logistical problem in how to kill hundreds of thousands of people quickly and inexpensively. The commandant at the Auschwitz concentration camp, Rudolf Höss, admitted that mass firing squads led to depression and suicide among many of the German soldiers assigned to the details.

His deputy, Karl Fritzsch, tested the lice-killing pesticide gas Zyklon-B on some Soviet POWs and found that it killed them quickly. It was mostly hydrogen cyanide and did not persist after being applied. Along with a crematorium to reduce the volume of the bodies, it became the standard killing procedure at some Nazi extermination camps.

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Q: Who came up with gassing the Jews in the concentration camps in World War 2?
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How many people were killed from Gassing in the Nazi Concentration Camps during the Holocaust?

It's known that at least 5 Million people died from Gassing, just over half of these were Jews. ________________________ No, it is not.

What were concentration camps and where they found?

concentration camps were places where Jews were kept in the 2nd world war and then the used to get killed there

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Hitler's whole idea was to kill all people who were not of the Arayan race (Blonde Hair and Blue eyes), Jews mostly, and at these concentration camps is where they would brutally kill them by hanging, burning, gassing, shooting, drowning, starving, etc.

What were concentration camps in World War 2 used for?

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Hitler had about 6 million Jews executed during WW 2. They either died by gassing or starvation in concentration camps. His genocide was the worst crime in human history.

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Were Jews beaten in concentration camps?

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Where were the Jews killed?

Typically in any pogrom or genocide against the Jews, the Jews were killed in close proximity to where they lived, usually in the same town. The Holocaust was relatively unique in that Jews were first confined to ghettos and then shipped across the empire to concentration camps, labor camps, and death camps. Most of the outright-killing and gassing occurred at the death camps. However, abuse from guards, starvation, and disease killed many in the ghettos, concentration camps, and the labor camps.