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Q: Who can fire federal judges for making bad legal decisions?
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What are the Athens rules?

The assembly of citizens ruled, making decisions. The council carried out the assembly's decisions. The courts of citizen juries ruled on legal matters - no judges or lawyers.

What does it mean when a judge follows a legal precedent?

"Precedent" means "that which comes before". In making an interpretation of the law, judges will examine the decisions of judges who decided similar cases. If the case is sufficiently similar (the legal term for this is "on point"), the judge will adopt the reasoning of the earlier judge. This is called following a precedent.

When does it mean a judge follows a legal precedent?

"Precedent" means "that which comes before". In making an interpretation of the law, judges will examine the decisions of judges who decided similar cases. If the case is sufficiently similar (the legal term for this is "on point"), the judge will adopt the reasoning of the earlier judge. This is called following a precedent.

What is the legal age in Washington sate for making your own medical decisions?

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If a judge stands by past decisions that judge is relying upon the principle of?

Stare decisis is the legal principle under which judges are obligated to follow the precedents established in prior decisions.

Why did the US Supreme Court give federal judges the power to enforce desegregation in public schools?

The Supreme Court has no authority to enforce its decisions; however, the US District Courts have the ability to ensure compliance with federal laws within their territories by issuing court orders and applying legal penalties to those in contempt of court.

What is the career cluster judge?

The career cluster judge typically refers to professionals who work in the legal field, specifically in the judiciary. Judges are responsible for presiding over court cases, interpreting and applying laws, and making decisions that resolve disputes. They ensure fairness and adherence to legal procedures while upholding justice within the legal system.

Does the Constitution set age residency or other requirements for federal judges?

No. The Constitution is silent about qualifications for federal judges. There are also no statutory (legal) requirements for appointment to the Judicial Branch; however, those in charge of the selection process have adopted stringent, informal criteria for selecting appropriate nominees.

The critical legal studies school of jurisprudence believes that?

Subjective decision making by judges based on general notions of fairness is appropriate

Do judges legislate?

Depends on the legal system they operate in. Judges cannot legislate since they are part of a different branch of power (judiciary, not legislature). However, Courts decisions are part of the legislature in common law countries, whereas they are not in civil law countries.

How are federal judges nominated?

Most federal judes are nominated by the president and his political and legal aides especially the attorney general.But are approved by majority vote.

What are all the Massachusetts judges appointed for?

Judges are appointed to judge legal actions.