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Q: Who can introduce a bill to the congress?
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Can introduce a bill into Congress?

A Member of Congress

Can the president introduce a bill in congess?

No- but he can ask somebody in Congress to introduce a bill for him .

Who can introduce a bill to be consider in congress?

member of congress

In congress what does the sponsor do?

introduce a bill

Who must first introduce a bill for it to be considered by congress?

A bill must be introduced in the congress by the members of the congress.

Who can introduce a law in the house or the senate?

Any member of Congress can introduce a bill in their respective House.

Can the President introduce a Bill If not where do Bills come from?

Only members of Congress con actively introduce bills.

Can the president make an announcement to introduce a bill?

The U.S. President cannot introduce a bill, but it is part of his/her job to suggest to Congress what bills are needed.

Who introduce a bill to congress to organize the territories of kansas and Nebraska?

Stephon A. Douglas

Who can write a proposed bill?

Anyone can write up, or draft a bill, but only a member of Congress can introduce it

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Why is it that only a member of congress can porpose and introduce a bill into the congress in either the house of representatives and or the senate?

Anyone can write, draft a bill. But only a member of congress can sponsor the bill. The bill must be sponsored by a member before it can go to the floor for debate.