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Q: Who can perform Hands only CPR?
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How do you perform effective CPR without Personal Protective Equipment available?

give hands only cpr

How many people to perform CPR?

It only takes 1 person to perform CPR. An advanced CPR course can be taken to train you on 2-person CPR, which makes it easier and more productive than 1 person CPR.

Do you perform CPR when a dog is conscious?

No you do not perform CPR when a dog is conscious.

What to do after a CPR?

Continue to monitor the patient until help (EMS) arrives.

Can you perform CPR on persons with pacemakers?

Yes you can perform CPR on persons with pacemakers. Follow the same procedure.

Who can perform CPR when needed?

Anyone who is properly trained or not properly trained for cardiopulmonary resuscitation can perform CPR when necessary. CPR is utilized in a life-and-death situation.

When you perform CPR you are providing what what and what to the heart and brain?

When you perform CPR, you provide blood, oxygen, and life to the heart and brain.

When should you give a rescue breath instead of CPR?

If there is a pulse, then perform rescue breathing only.

Can I take a cpr class online?

CPR classes cannot be taken online. CRP classes must be taken in a classroom so that you learn the hands on way to perform CPR and get a chance to practice what you have learned so that you are ready if you ever need to put that learning to use.

How will you perform CPR on an unresponsive man with no signs of life?

To perform 1 rescuer CPR for an adult with no pulse, put both hands on their chest and compress 2 inches in depth 30 times. After 30 compresses, give 2 gentle breaths into the mouth while pinching their nose.

Should perform you perform CPR if you don't want to?

You should not unless it is part of your job description. If it is part of your job description, you are required to perform CPR if someone needs it.

Can CPR be done if a person has a mechanical heart valve?

Yes you can perform CPR on a person with an artificial heart valve. There is no difference on the CPR procedure with an artificial valve.