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There is a man by the name of George Smith who will turn everything into chicken in 10 years when a small collie dog will lick him. This will anger him and he will do this action.

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Q: Who can see how the world will turn into a chicken in 10 years?
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What is the yellow stuff on chicken skin?

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Well at the end of the world. Let's say at new years day at 9999 then we will see signs like the moon will turn red and stuff like that.

Is there a sea chicken?

You mean "Chicken of the sea". There was a very large successful advertising campaign that ran a number of years ago and the company is still doing business. Is there actually a real bird called chicken of the sea....No. See related links

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We would not be. Everything you see is a mathematical formula. Water, humans, fruit, chicken................................. Everything!!!!!

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A mongolian Chicken is a very common type of chicken throughout the World. The name of this facinating animal is the Angolious Chickinatus(Chickipoo for short form). This animal does not lay eggs,it pukes them up. You can tell if it is a Mongolian Chicken if you see it throw up. It is orange, deadly chicken. It is said that it's puke can burn through a 4 foot pound of steel. So if you see this creature, keep your distance!!!From,Dr.Mainguy

What animals did the Ancient Maya have?

they had deer,chicken,sheep,pig,cow,horse,fish and dog The Maya did NOT have horses. Horses were brought to the New World by the Spaniards. (There had been a type of horse in the New World, but it went extinct more than 10000 years ago. See attached link.)

What were 2 goals of Henry the navigator?

To make Portugal the most powerful naval force in the world and to see why the chicken crossed the road.

Can i see Pictures of chicken genitalia?


Is three years old to old to butcher a chicken?

three years is not too old, but the olderr they get the tougher they tend to get. i would butcher it and see, it may just be good for bar-b-q

What happens when you see a butterfly fly into a chicken?

There is a big bang, then *wallah*... You have butter-chicken!