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This question was originally asked several years ago, and we do hope the person who asked it got the help he or she needed. Suicidal feelings are often caused by depression (a treatable illness) or by feeling overwhelmed and alone as a result of many negative events. But for anyone re-reading this question now, you need to know that while you may feel that nobody cares, that is not true. You are not alone: in fact, there are many people who are both willing and able to help you to get through this difficult time.

A few options are our contributors have suggested:

1. Talk to your close family and friends-- sometimes telling them how you are feeling can help take away some of the burden. (But that may not be enough, because they are not professionals and they may not know how to help you. Still, talking about it is a good start.)

2. There are suicide prevention hotlines like the Samaritans: 1 (800) 273-TALK.

3. any crisis center or the emergency room of a hospital will have trained personnel to help.

4. if you are in school, a school counselor is a good resource. Most universities have counseling centers-- all of the treatment is confidential.

5. if you are religious, a priest, or minister, or rabbi or imam can give you some guidance, and even if you are not, most clergy will help you and not turn you away.

6. if you can, contact a trained psychologist and make arrangements to start seeing him or her, so that you can discuss when these feelings began, what sorts of events triggered them, etc. A good psychologist or psychiatrist can be very helpful in working with you to develop coping strategies.

Good luck and we hope you will seek out the support you need (and deserve).

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Q: Who can you talk to if you are feeling suicidal?
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Is loss of a mother related to teen suicide?

Depends, are you feeling suicidal?

What are some examples of suicidal dialog?

If you have any questions about someone feeling suicidal, call the Suicide Hot-line! You can ask them for examples and suggestions about how you can handle it. If you're concerned they may be serious, call 911.People who are feeling suicidal do not become more suicidal if you ask questions or talk openly about it. It actually helps them feel better that someone cares to ask. It is better if they get angry rather than feeling hopeless. People who are thinking of suicide are depressed, feeling hopeless &/or being abused and don't see there's anything they can do about it. It is better to tell someone who can help even if you agreed that you wouldn't tell anyone. If they feel betrayed, they'll live to appreciate your concern. If they're under 18, call the hot-line asap to see who you should contact about it.Whether they are threatening to kill themselves for purposes of manipulation, take it VERY seriously and call 911 regardless of how upset they might get with you. Whether or not they were serious, it's the best way to keep them from trying to manipulate you or someone else again. You are NOT responsible for how they act out their feelings!

How Do You Tell What if your Parents That You're Suicidal?

First of all you shouldn't be suicidal !!! second of all talk to some body to help you! before... its to late. and remember you wont be in peace if you kill yourself. you WILL suffer way more that life on earth!

What should you do about suicidal thoughts?

If your suffering with suicidal thoughts you do not want to keep it to yourself. Reach out and talk to someone. If there is not anyone you feel comfortable speaking to in your life or community, you can call the nationwide hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a weak, and talk things over with someone who knows what you are going through. The number is 1-800-273-8255.

How can you stop having suicidal thoughts?

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is crucial to seek help from a mental health professional immediately. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or helpline for support. It's important to remember that you don't have to face these thoughts alone and that there are people who care about you and want to help.

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Not unless you're feeling suicidal, no.

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Depends, are you feeling suicidal?

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Depression is a leading factor that contributes to suicidal behavior. Therapy can help one who is depressed.

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Talk to someone you trust. Don't talk to counselors because they only care about money. The best people to talk to is the Trevor Project.

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They see so many grown ups who are taller and skinner then them so they start feeling very insecure about themselves and that is why so many kids are suicidal.

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You can help someone who is feeling suicidal by not keeping it a secret. If someone tells you they are thinking about killing themselves, look for further assistance for that person. There are suicide crisis hotlines you can call, 1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433; Call 1-800-273-TALK / 1-800-273-8255 if you don't know where else to turn. The most important thing is to get the person some assitance.

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There is no way out, feeling hopelessness and helplessness, thinking is constricted, and impaired by alcohol or substances.

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There is no way out, feeling hopelessness and helplessness, thinking is constricted, and impaired by alcohol or substances.

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The top five symptoms of depression are feeling overly tired, a change of appetite, feeling hopeless about your life or future, feeling physical aches or pains, and you may have suicidal thoughts.

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Get help RIGHT AWAY from a professional. You might want to talk to your son's doctor.

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anyone can be suicidal, if you or someone you know is thinking about suicide please call the Lifeline, a suicide hotline network at 1-800-273-TALK.

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