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Child abuse is everyone's responsibility. No person child or adult should have to endure the pain and fear of abuse. This is a huge problem in the USA and the journal literature does not indicate there is any easy way to report abuse and not run the risk of being found out.

The safest way to help a child abused in your own family is to take the child to a shelter for battered women and both of you get out of the situation together. If you report this to the police and do not remove the child from the home the risk is the authorities will release the abuser and the child and reporter are both at serious risk.

Child protective services will remove the child from the home because of the risk to the child. This means the child is placed in foster care - not a substitue for a loving parent.

If there is visible proof of the abuse and you take the child to the hospital they are bound legally to report the incident to child services.

If it were my child I would leave the spouse immediately regardless of what happened to me financially because I brought the child into the world and I have the responsibility to protect them both emotionally and physically. If it is in your house - LEAVE. There are shelters and churches that will help.

IF the abuse is to a child that is not your own you must report this to protect the child. As many children grow up in abused homes they grow up with mental issues that may or may not be resolved and then they have children and do not know anything but abuse for discipline and the cycle repeats once again.

No child should have to live in fear and pain. Neglect is as serious as abuse but may agencies refuse to provide the money for the research required to prove this to the legal system and those that take care of unwanted children.

The Juvenile system is overloaded with kids that were not loved enough to set boundaries or cared more about their kids then themselves. Love does heal!

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If you suspect child abuse is happening at the moment, call the police immediately. To report suspected child abuse when you're not sure when the abuse is taking place, call your local child welfare office. Either way, be sure to speak up as soon as possible. Nothing will get better if everyone looks the other way.

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