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Arthur "Boo" Radley carries Jem back to the Finches house after Bob Ewell Dies.

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1mo ago

Arthur "Boo" Radley is the one who carried Jem back to the house after he was hurt during the attack by Bob Ewell in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird."

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11y ago

Arthur "Boo" Radley had to have carried Jem home becuase he was the one that killed Bob Ewell and Atticus wouldn't have been out until he heard from Boo that Jem was hurt.

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Q: Who carried Jem back to the house after he was hurt?
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Yes, Jem's mission to retrieve his pants was successful. Scout and Jem went back to the Radley house to get his pants, and they found them mended and neatly folded on the fence.

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Jem was moody because when he went back to get his pants they were repaired (he had ripped a hole in them while trying to get through the fence) and folded over the fence. Jem had realized that someone knew he would come back for them and had been watching him.

What does Jem find when he goes back to the Radley house in To Kill a Mockingbird?

His pant sewed, not very well, and folded.

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Jem forgets his pants at the Radleys' house after he and Scout are chased by Nathan Radley while trying to spy on Boo Radley. The incident results in Jem losing his pants and having to come back for them at night.

What does Jem do after he knows Atticus is asleep?

jem goes back to get his pants from the radleys he does it because jem doesnt want atticus to know he went in their yard to try to see boo

Why was jem moody after the night the children sneaked up to theback of the radleys house?

Jem was moody after the night they sneaked up to the back of the Radleys' house because Nathan Radley, Boo Radley's brother, shot at them to scare them off. Jem may have been feeling a mix of fear, adrenaline, and confusion about the incident and Boo Radley's mysterious presence.

What happend to jem scout and dill when they snuck to the back of the radley house to peek inside?

When Jem, Scout, and Dill sneaked to the back of the Radley house to peek inside, they were caught by Nathan Radley. Jem's pants got caught on the fence as they were running away, so he had to leave them behind. This event heightened the mystery surrounding Boo Radley and added tension to their interactions with the Radley house.