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These people are called electors. They make up the electoral college which formally elects the President.

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Q: Who casts their states formal votes for president?
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Related questions

Which group casts the official vote for president and vice president?

This group is called the electoral college; its members are called electors and the votes it casts are called electoral votes.

What is the month do you vote for the president?

The public "votes for President" in November, but they are actually electing members to the electoral college in that election. The electoral college casts the votes for President (and Vice President) in December.

Half of 436 is 217.5--why only 216 votes needed?

The Vice President casts the tie breaker.

What was an argument of states that wanted to secede?

The president received no electoral votes from Southern states in the election.

What must cast their state's formal votes for president?

electorial college

Who actually casts the electoral votes for each state?

The states choose as many "electors" as it has electoral votes and these electors elect the president. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. The electors vote their electoral votes in the Electoral College.

What month is the president voted for?

The public makes their wishes known by "voting for president" in November. Based on those election results, the electoral college casts the votes for President (and Vice President) in December.

What was an argument of the states that wanted to secede?

The President received no electoral votes from Southern states in the election

What do electors of the electoral college vote on?

Electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College determine the President and Vice President of the United States.

Who are the group of people that cast official votes to elect the president called?

This group is called the electoral college; its members are called electors and the votes it casts are called electoral votes.


A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to be declared President of the United States. Indiana has 11 electoral votes.

What is the point of electoral college?

Electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College determine the President and Vice President of the United States.