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Q: Who celebrate shouter baptist day?
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What is the role of a shouter baptist pastor and his wife?

the role of a husband pastor is to preach and spread the word of GOD to his bothers and sisters

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I belive so

What are the Baptists roles?

The answer solely depends on which sec of the Baptist faith you speak about. There are the Spiritual Shouter Baptist the Fundamental Baptist the London Baptist and the American Baptist. All of which have practices in the United States Of America. I can say that there role in society is just as any other religion. They all preach the word of God, all believe in Christ. Different administrations but all of the same spirit.

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No men should not usher. This is a day to recognize and celebrate the involvement and contributions of Women in God's service. Men can serve on Men's Day.

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What is the role of a leader's wife in the shouter baptist movement?

He is the officiating minister who is usually gifted in leading the congregation and often he is an ordained minister called Reverend. He may also have other spiritual designations such as a Pointer or Teacher.

Does Baptist churches celebrate advent?

Yes. The Baptist Church honors the advent season, usually with the traditional advent candles, and other sacred worship.

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you celebrate boxing day on December 26

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Celebrate the Day was created in 2006.

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