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Q: Who challenged the Unites States space program to land a man on the moon in the 60s?
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Which country has the most effictive space program?

I believe the United States has the most effective space program.

Which educational institutions offer a PhD program in Space Studies?

For colleges and universities within the Unites States, you can research institutions offering masters and doctorate programs by clicking on the related links section ( indicated directly below this answer section.

What president challenged the space program to land astronauts on the moon?

President John Kennedy , in a speech to Congress on May 25, 1961,challenged the nation to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

What stimulated the Space Race?

The USSR was seemingly more advanced than the Unites States and it stimulated, or made the US want to beat the Russians. ----

Which president arranged the space exploration?

President John F. Kennedy challenged the United States to have a man land on the moon and to take a leadership role in the "space race."

What were the three phases of the space program?

The three phases of the United States space program began with the Mercury program. The Gemini and finally the Apollo missions, complete our program.

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They challenged the idea that time and space were absolute.

In which country is NASA?

NASA, (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is the space program of the United States of America.

Were any people sent to Mercury?

No. But the United States did have a Mercury Space Program.

What does the abbreviation STS in relation to the space shuttle stand for?

Space Transportation System is the official name of the United States Space Shuttle program

How many missions united statee of America space prprogram?

how many missons of the united states of America space program

Why was the Apollo program important to the space race?

Because the United States wanted to beat the Soviet Union in the "space race."