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Goths, Vandals, Alans ___________________________________ The Huns pushed into Roman territory through the Pripet Marshes while searching for a lost horse. Before that, they drove the Visigoths and Vandals into Roman territory. The Ostrogoths, Gepids, Alans, and other Germanic tribes were either conquered or peacefully assimilated into the Hun Army. The Huns may also have been responsible for bringing the Plague to Europe, carried by mice, the skins of which were used to make Hun garments.

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Q: Who conquered many Germanic tribes and pushed on into Roman territory?
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Did rome fall apart after germanic tribes invaded the empire?

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It was not until the Romans under Julius Caesar conquered Gaul that Gaul was controlled by one group--the Romans. Previously to this Gaul was a mixture of various tribes each having their own territory and allies.

Why did Germanic's tribes invade the roman empire?

The Germanic peoples who invaded the western part of the Roman Empire where migrating peoples who were looking for new lands to settle in because of a population squeeze in central Europe. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions.

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The Franks conquered the former Roman province of Gau. They were a confederation of Germanic tribes.

Why weren't the Germanic tribes conquered by ancient Rome?

Because the German tribes were too strong and numerous for Rome to effectively take on even in standalone battles.

What are some external reasons for the fall of rome?

The first problem was the general decline in literacy and stability that began with the Crisis of the Third Century, in about 235 AD, a period of continual civil wars lasting a couple generations. The second problem was that Roman citizens were more an more inclined to allow themselves to be defended by foreigners. The loyalty of the foreign troupes was badly eroded by the fact that they were badly treated. Eventually, even the highest generals were not Roman. Another problem was that the Germanic peoples on the border of the Roman Empire started to migrate into the empire because they were being attacked from farther out. They formed armies which raided until they finally settled down to form kingdoms of their own. The Roman Empire was formally divided in 286, and this division became permanent in 395. The division left each part rather uninterested in the well being of the other. And the East Roman Empire could not help the West, even if it had the will to do so, because of ongoing wars with the Persians. The 5th century saw a series of weak emperors of the West Roman Empire, most of whom were merely puppets of their Germanic generals. There are people who blame Christianity for making people weak. I think the West Roman Empire had reasons enough without that. The East Roman Empire lasted another thousand years, until 1453, when it was destroyed, after many changes in fortune, by the Ottoman Turks, but that is not referred to as the fall of the Roman Empire. There is a link below to an article on the Decline of the Roman Empire.

Where did the most of Invaders of the roman Empire Originate?

Germanic barbarian tribes

Why did so many gerrmanic tribes begin invading the roman empire?

The Germanic tribes began encroaching and invading the Roman empire because they, in turn, were being pushed out of their traditional lands by the invading Huns from Mongolia.

What alphabets were used by Germanic tribes?

Literate Germanic tribes used Norse runes, although some tribes were aware of the Latin alphabet as well.

Why were the franks better at governing than other germanic tribes?

Basically because the Franks had been conquered by the Romans and had become part of the Roman Empire whereas the Germanic Tribes had not. Roman conquest brought peace and security to the land and trade was able to flourish. The Franks readily adapted to Roman culture and system of government which the Latin Christian Church continued after the fall of the Empire. The Germanic tribes however had no centralized government or even one single king.

5 germanic tribes?
