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Q: Who controlled the railroads of the southwest?
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Who controlled most of the railroads during the civil war?

The North controlled most of the railroads during the Civil War.

What industry did the Vanderbuilt family control?

Vanderbilt mainly controlled railroads, southern railroads in particular. His fortune started during the Industrial Revolution and it has been controlled by his family ever since.

What business did Cornelius Vanderbilt control by the late 1800s?

Railroad.Vanderbilt controlled all the railroads by the 1800s. He amassed quite a lot of wealth through the system.

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As of 1700 what country controlled the region in the present day southwest of the US?


What kind of crafts did the Southwest Indians do?

They made Kachina Dolls. They are dolls that controlled things.Gods to them.

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In 1923 seven large companies owned and controlled an estimated 75 to 80 percent of the mining, transportation, and hauling of anthracite, each of which was controlled by the railroads

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The British controlled the colonies on the Eastern Coast. The Spanish had colonies in Florida and later in the Southwest, while the Dutch had colonies in the far northeast.

What event brought the American southwest under the control of the US?

The defeat of Mexico in the Mexican War.Before then the southwest was controlled by MexicoThe people who had lived there for centuries had Spanish ancestors and spoke Spanish

Why did the Anglos begin settling the southwest?

The Mexicanos called the white English speaking settlers AnglosAnglos were attracted to the Southwest by economic opportunities in ranching, farming and miningAs railroads connected the region with the rest of the country in the 1880s-90s Anglo settlement grew

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Who controlled most of South America Central America and parts of North America including the Southwest and Florida by 1750?
