

Who could not make profit colony?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Who could not make profit colony?
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== == So Roman Catholics could live there and so Lord Baltimore could make a profit so Roman Catholics could live there and so they could make a profit from the people who come to Maryland They converted to Catholicism and wanted a haven persecution. They thought it would be ''Land Of Sanctuary''

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mostly cash crops like tobacco

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By profit simply fondeded colony - oh boy...

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You could trade currency and make profit off that. Or you could make profit from place visits from other people or from your alternative accounts. Or you could get your game on the front page. Or you could get Builders Club.

What colony was founded by profit minded investors?

Virginia was founded for profit. The people who settled there hoped to find gold or silver, but when they arrived they could barely find enough to eat. Many settlers died from starvation, some were killed in fights with the Native Americans, and others were killed by the cold winters. The colony made no profit until John Rolfe discovered that tobacco could be grown in Virginia. Tobacco was the first cash crop grown in the English colonies.