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They were mainly Germany , Italy and Japan.

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Q: Who countries were America's common enemy during World War 2?
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What three countries were Americas enemies during World War 1?

* The German Empire. * The Austria-Hungarian Empire. * The Ottoman Empire. * Bulgaria

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Do you mean what countries that took part in the Holocaust were not taken over by Hitler? Because obviously he did not take over any country in the Americas, nor most of the world.

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There is no universally accepted definition of "third world country" as it was a term used during the Cold War to categorize countries based on political ideologies. However, based on common understanding, roughly one-third of the world's countries could be considered third world countries.

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There are 21 countries where Spanish is the official language. These countries are located in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the Pacific.

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What country were Americas enemy's during the World War 2?

Germany and Japan

Is Luxembourg a third world country?

No, Luxembourg is in the first world... Europe. The new world is the Americas & the 3rd world is the deprived countries which makeup Africa & Asia.

How many countries retain french as there offical language?

There are 29 countries in the world that retain French as an official language. These countries are spread across Europe, Africa, the Americas, and the Caribbean.