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Q: Who created an attachment for the arm of the space shuttle used to capture satellites?
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Related questions

How can a shuttle be used to repair satellites?

Though now retired, the space shuttle was able to 'capture' satellites for repair and replace then in their correct orbit.

Does the space shuttle put satellites in space?

Yes it can and has.

How do satellites launch?

They are taken into orbit by rocket or shuttle.

What is Space Shuttle used for?

The space shuttle transported astronauts and satellites to low Earth orbit. It was unique in that it could retrieve satellites such as the Hubble Space Telescope for repair.

How is a space shuttle used in a satellite launch?

Generally space shuttles are not used to launch satellites as it is very costly to launch a space shuttle. Rockets with automated systems place satellites in orbit as opposed to a manned shuttle.

What was the first spacecraft that was launched by a space shuttle?

The space shuttle is itself a spacecraft. Perhaps you are looking for information on the first satellites launched by a space shuttle. STS-5, launched 16 November 1982, deployed 2 satellites

What type of satellite provides power for shuttle missions?

Satellites don't provide power for space shuttles. The shuttle could receive power from the international space station, but besides that, the shuttle wouldn't take any power from any satellites.

The is the layer of the atmosphere where satellites and the space shuttle orbit the Earth?


Is the layer of the atmosphere where satellites and the space shuttle orbit the earth?


When was The Shuttle created?

The Shuttle was created in 1870.

How are satellites corrected if they move to far from their original orbits?

send a shuttle to fix it

What do you do after sending a space shuttle up?

After a space shuttle is launched it goes in orbit around the Earth. While in orbit, the astronauts preform experiments that can only be done in micro gravity or preform maintenance on satellites, or launch new satellites.