

Who created number zero?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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The Aztecs

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Q: Who created number zero?
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How many is the IQ of Dr Jose Rizal?

pak you zero

What is the definition of this symbol ΓΈ?

Ø can have multiple meanings. It depends on the context in which it is used.In mathematics, it usually refers to the empty set, the set which has no elements.In Scandinavian languages, it is a standard letter.In computing, it may the number zero, which was drawn differently to distinguish it from the letter O.

How do you create something out of nothing?

There are several possible answers to your question:The Big Bang, according to cosmologists, created everything out of nothing.Space itself is believed to spontaneously generate virtual particles and antiparticles which immediately cancel each other out. But in the vicinity of a black hole, a pair of such particles forming at just the right (wrong?) distance might have half the set captured by the black hole's intense gravity, allowing its partner to stream away as a fully-formed something.The cipher (the number 0, zero) is literally something that stands for nothing.E=mc2 shows that matter can in a sense be 'created' from energy. It's not really something out of nothing, unless you carefully redefine 'something' to mean 'an object'.

Why was Pi created?

It wasnt created

How can something exist that has no beginning?

He who HeThere's no existence if there's no beginning its just like an analogy of cause and effect. God claims that He is the beginning, so He is the first cause and the effect is the creation. He is self existence and self sustaining entity.AnswerIts quite simply the nature of the human mind not understand the concept of everlasting being, and eternity etc. Consider the human life, it "starts" somewhere and "ends" somewhere. This has shaped human thinking form the very beginning. The human brain, which uses less than 10% and is regarded as "intelligent" cannot fully comprehend the concept of eternal being. We may be the most intelligent of creation, but that in itself tell's you why we cannot understand, we are "created", God "exists".Islamic AnswerFirst I ask you, can you count (do you know how to count)?I give an example of numbers.If we take the number zero (0) as the middle.under the zero (0), it goes from 0 to -1 to -2 to ENDLESS,do you know the begin under the zero? (or you can say the last (negatif) number under the zero)and from zero (0) to above it goes from number 1 to 2 to ENDLESS.conclusion: numbers have NO BEGINNING and NO END, just like Allah swt.[Quran 57:3] He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Hidden: and He has full knowledge of all things.yes and just like god/Allah numbers don't exist they are a man made creation!THE SCIENTIFIC ANSWERActually this common question always gets it backwards. It would make more sense to ask: "How can something exist that has a beginning?" Things which exist are made of matter. Things can change in form but can not come into or go out of existence - the matter remains. You can form bricks from mud, then houses from bricks, and in time the house will again return to mud, but the matter involved did not have any "beginning" and can have no "end."Anything and everything in the universe, whether a solar system, an electric toaster, or a Baptist Church is comprised of matter which was re-combined to form a toaster (or whatever) from always existing matter. If the Church burns down, the matter still exists (and fertilizes the soil).When you freeze water into ice, the ice was not "created" from nothing - the matter just changed form. In the context of the matter of which things are made, nothing which exists had a beginning. The Universe is a sum total of all existants and all of the matter these existants are made of. The Universe did not have a "beginning," but like water and ice, it changes forms and arrangements of matter over time.But if Nature and Natural Law are too boring for you, by all means create a God and say he did it all.