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Aeneas, Aphrodites son, escaped from Greece, after the Troyan War and founded Rome in Italy. So you could say he abandoned Greece.

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Q: Who did Aeneas abandoned in Greek mythology?
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AeneasAnswer 2Greek mythology did not bother with Romans. Aeneas belongs to the Roman mythology.

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In a way; because through him, they traced their roots to the Trojan war and Greek Mythology.

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Sychaeus (or Acerbas who married Elisa, another name for Dido), and later Aeneas

Deserted by Aeneas and committed suicide mythology?

Dido was deserted by Aeneas and commited suicide.

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How did Greek mythology infuence Roman life?

The Romans had their origins in Greece. According to their own legends, they traced their origins to Aeneas and the Trojan refugees. Troy itself was a Greek colony from before the Bronze Age. They shared a culture, religion and language with their Greek neighbors. With Aeneas came the Greek myths, which they noticed were similar to stories being told by the local tribes.

Who was the mother of Aeneas?

Aeneas was portrayed in the great Latin poems. According to mythology, Aeneas was the son of Venus and among the famous heroes in the Trojan War.

Who was Aeneas' son?

Aeneas' son was Ascanius, also known as Iulus. According to Roman mythology, Ascanius was the son of Aeneas and Creusa, and he went on to found the city of Alba Longa.

What god is anchises?

Anchisesin Greek mythology, Anchises was a poor shepherd who was the Father of Aeneas by Aphrodite(goddess of love and beauty). the only reason he was with Aphrodite was because Zeus made them fall in love with each other. when Anchises got drunk one day, he boasted about the affair and Zeus struck him with lighting.