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The UK were obliged to take part in appeasement as much of the interest at the time was in the empire and so were not in an easy position to take part in Europe, known as imperial over-stretch. The other reason that they took an appeasement policy is the international population felt the reparations from WW1 had been too much, so were sympathetic towards Germany.

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It became clear that appeasement was not going to prevent another World War II unless the French and British leaders intended to surrender their own countries to Hitler as well.

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Germany .

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Q: Why did Britain and France give up the policy of appeasement?
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What event prompted britain and france to give up their policy of appeasement?

The German invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939

What did the policy of appeasement give Britain a chance to do?

Appeasement helped Britain build up their armed forces.

What was the policy that Great Britain and France followed to give Germany whatever it wanted to keep the peace?

Appeasement. France and and Great Britain Where not ready to go to war again 'cause they had just got out of WWI and they were going through the Great Depression.

Why did Neville Chamberlain allow Hitler to annex the Sudetenland?

They were afraid of the effects of standing up to Hitler in case of another war. Both Britain and France were horrified from WW1, and they were both still not ready to fight. So they used the policy of appeasement to give Hitler what he wanted, if it was within reason. Also, people in britain thought that the Treaty of Versailles- which is what took the Sudetenland land from Germany in the first place was too harsh, and that Germany should be treated more equally.

What is France's currency policy?

it is to give up the life of France

What did the policy appeasment give Britain a chance to do?

because they fail

Give an example of appeasement in a sentence?

I gave in and let him have a piece of cake as an appeasement.

Give an example of someone who agreed with chamberlain's policy?

Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement was supported by some members of the British establishment, such as Lord Halifax who believed in diplomatic negotiation with Hitler to avoid war.

What did policy of appeasemennt give Britain a chance to do?

Expand it's Armed Forces.

What was the loophole that FDR used to help great Britain and France?

The law did not allow President Roosevelt to give food and armaments to Britain and France so he just loaned the food and armaments to Britain, at least. Britain was to pay back the USA, later.

What was the plan to give Hitler whatever he wanted?

Appeasement .

Why did France and Britain join the war?

because they wanted to give eacch other war? i thinkk