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Q: Who did scientists discover s and p waves?
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What are two factors scientists monitor that could indicate a volcano might erupt?

s-waves and p-waves

How have scientists determined that the outer layer is liquid?

Seismic waves can be separated into basically two different types; S-waves and P-waves. P-waves are able to travel through liquid and solid, but S-waves can not travel through a liquid, they can only travel through a solid. When scientist "shoot" P and S-waves at the outer core, they detect the P-waves coming out the other side, but not the S-waves.

How do scientists know what the earths interior is like?

scientists can tell what the interior looks like by the different type of waves there is. scientists know that P (primary) waves can travel through any substance, and that S (secondary) waves can travel only through solids and stop at liquids when P waves slow down at liquids. when they monitor the p and s waves they realize that after a certain distance (2932 km) the s waves stop and p waves slow down. thus meaning it is in the liquefied outer core. but after a certain amount of time the p waves speed up again. this means it has left the outer core into the solid inner core.

How did you discover that the outer core was liquid?

It was observed that p (pressure) waves from earthquakes passed through the core bus s (sheer) waves from earthquakes did not.

Are P-waves and S-waves transverse or longitudinal waves?

P-waves are longitudinal and S-waves are transverse waves.

What type of seismic wave are P waves and S waves?

P and S waves are body waves.

What do scientists use to calculate the distance from the seismograph station to the focus?

The diffrence in arrival times of P and S waves.

What two things do scientists use P and S waves for?

To determine the approximate location and the time the earthquake will occur.

What is the difference Between S waves P waves?

P-waves are faster than s-waves. Both can pass through solid rock, but only p-waves can pass through gases and liquids === ===

What does the S wave and P wave stand for?

P waves are primary waves and S waves are called secondary waves

What are the three seismic waves in order?

The three types of seismic waves are: P waves S waves Surface waves ( two surface waves. Riley surface wave and love surface wave named after scientists

When do P waves arrive at the surface in relation to S waves?

when the P waves arrive at the surface in relation to s waves and surface waves is called the promary waves.