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The Puritans followed John Winthrop. He was the person who brought the English Puritans to the "New World." For more information, check out the related link.

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Q: Who did the puritans follow?
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Whose teaching did the Puritans follow?

The Puritans followed the teachings of John Calvin, a major figure in the Protestant Reformation. They believed in predestination, the idea that God has predetermined who will be saved. This influenced their strict moral codes and emphasis on personal piety.

If you lived in the Massachusetts bay colony what religion did you follow?

they were Puritans.

What is the dificulties that are faced by the puritans?

The difficulties faced by the Puritans back during the 1600-1700s was mainly having to follow and uphold all of their beliefs.The Puritans believed in Witchcraft.

What way of life did the puritans follow?

They follwed God and spent their life doing it

How are Quakers and Puritans alike?

Quakers and Puritans both sort of tried to model themselves like Jesus and follow the Bible every day. Puritans and Quakers both agreed on the central role of the Bible and on the importance of a disciplined life.

Why was the puritans lifestyle so strict?

they where very religious and wanted everyone to follow God's teachings. if you did not follow God's teaching then you are not considered pure.

Why did the Puritans sign the Mayflower Compact?

The Mayflower Compact stated that the Puritans would follow the rules of the government. They didn't arrive where they originally intended so the rules of England did not apply. The Compact was created to assure the half of the ship's passengers who were not Puritans that the government of the colony would be elected, not imposed on them.

How were the Quakers more religiously tolerant than the Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay?

Quakers did not try to convert people. Puritans were not tolerant of other religions in their community. Those that refused to follow the Puritan religion were forced to leave town.

What were the goals for Puritans in Salem?

To follow all of their religious structures. Stay true to themselves and not do shamful things such as go against their religion.

Do puritans define man as good or evil?

Puritans generally follow the Calvinist belief that man is basically evil due to original sin, but is redeemed solely thanks to God's mercy (man does not deserve this redemption; it is a free gift of God).

Who did the puritans follow the teaching of?

The Puritans followed the teachings of John Calvin, a French theologian who played a significant role in the Protestant Reformation. They adhered to Calvin's doctrines of predestination, the inerrancy of the Bible, and the importance of leading a pious life according to God's will.

What religious group established the Massachusetts Bay colony?

The Puritans .