

Who did traveled with William clark?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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11y ago

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He traveled with Meriwether Lewis

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Eleanore Heidenreich

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Q: Who did traveled with William clark?
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Who traveled with William clark?

a crew

How did William clark play a part in the westward expansion?

he traveled new worlds

What was the name of the African American who traveled on the expedition?

The African-American who traveled on Lewis and Clark's expedition was simply known as York. He previously was a childhood friend and companion of William Clark.

What did meriwether Lewis travel by?

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark both traveled by horse and canoe.

Where did William Clark live?

In the beginning, William Clark lived in St. Louis, Missouri. Then in March 1785, they moved to Kentucky having traveled overland to Redstone Landing before completing the journey down the Ohio River by flatboat. The Clark family settled at "Mulberry Hill", a plantation along Beargrass Creek near Louisville. This would be William Clark's primary home until 1803.

Whose expedition traveled to a longitude of approximately 124 degrees west?

The Lewis and Clark expedition, led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, traveled to a longitude of approximately 124 degrees west during their exploration of the western United States from 1804 to 1806.

Who traveled from Wilmington to Yorktown and who traveled from New York?

it was clark

How many other traveled with Lewis and clark?

No one else traveled with Lewis and Clark. It was just an expedition of the two of them.

Who was the slave that travel with Lewis and clark as a translater?

The slave who traveled with Lewis and Clark as a translator was York. York was owned by William Clark and played a key role in communicating with Native American tribes during the famous expedition.

What two explorers traveled across the Louisiana purchase?

The adventures of Lewis and Clark and, The Dunbar and Hunter Expetition

What was the difference in rank between Lewis and clark?

Lewis was the main explorer who chose which path to take and Clark was the one to map the areas they traveled

What famous team travelers did Sacajawea travel with?

she traveled with Lewis and clark (her name is actually spelled sacagewea)