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The active ingredient in aspirin is made by the willow tree and found in its bark. Willow bark was used from paleolithic times as an herbal remedy. It is not known who discovered its properties.

Aspirin itself is a product that is made, not discovered.

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Felix Hoffmann is known to have "rediscovered" aspirin. It was Charles Gergardt a French Chemist who thought it would not be practical for him to make the product. So he left his work aside.

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Q: Who discovered aspirin?
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What year was aspirin discovered?

Asprin was first discovered by a French Chemist named Charles Frederic Gerhardt in the year 1853, but it was not called aspirin until 1899.

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Where does the raw material for aspirin come from?

The raw material for aspirin comes from the bark of the white willow tree. The medicinal use was first discovered in 1763.

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I'm not sure, but when we did a lab about it we discovered that using more water to rinse the solution causes very much Aspirin to be lost in the purification process.

What is the active ingredient in aspirin that gives the observed therapeutic properties?

The active ingredient in aspirin is acetyl salicylic acid. It was first discovered in willow bark by an Oxford scientist in 1763.

Many of your drugs have been discovered simply by copying the eating habits of the locals Where does aspirin comes from?

The willow tree

Who discovered the active ingredient in aspirin?

The Wikipedia entry for aspirin provides some history, including its origin as a willow bark extract, who first synthesized it chemically, and how it evolved to the OTC medication we use today.

Did Einstein discover aspirin?

If you have a headache, you might reach for the aspirin. And, aspirin is also known as a drug that can help in the event of heart attack. aspirin is a very successful drug, and even all of its qualities are not fully understood. But what is understood is that the synthesis of aspirin has made for the treatment of a number of ailments. While some of the chemicals found in aspirin have been known for centuries, the discovery of a way to synthesize a pure form of aspirin is relatively recent. The official record states that Felix Hoffmann discovered how to synthesize aspirin in 1897. However, new records indicate that it was actually his supervisor, Arthur Eichengrun, who discovered it. There is speculation that Eichengrun was erased in all references to the celebrated German brand due to the fact that he was a well known Nazi - which is odd since he was a Jew. In the end, Hoffmann got the glory, but we all get the benefits.

Which French scientist discovered aspirin?

The French chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt was the first to prepare acetylsalicylic acid in 1853.

What is aspirin made out of?

Aspirin derives its name from its chemical formula, acetylsalicylic acid. The compound is formed from salicylic acid, which is derived from bark from a willow tree. The process was discovered to take away the intense stomach pains associated with salicylic acid.Interesting note: The same mechanism that makes salicylic acid into acetylsalicylic acid also turns morphene into heroin.

Does aspirin from a plant?

Aspirin is NOT a 'herbal remedy' - it's a chemical, known as acetylsalicylic acid, discovered by Bayer AG in Germany in 1897 .

How is aspirin made?

it is made by me!2 it is made by me!2 it is made by me!2