

Who discovered elecricity?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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12y ago

Benjamin Franklin delivered electricity.

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Q: Who discovered elecricity?
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Related questions

What are advantages and disadvantages elecricity?

I think the main advantages of elecricity that it is safe ,cheap and clean .

From where do you get elecricity?

power plants

Does silicon conduct elecricity?


What is the opposite of elecricity?

There's not one.

What is a phone mainly charged by?


How do fossil fuels make elecricity?

They are burned

Where television get their elecricity from?

Usually from the electrical outlet.

What is household electricity called?

household electricity is called alternating current because when you have elecricity in your home,your elecricity will travel all over your house to make the electricity flow.

Do cars run on analage?

No, cars run on fuel or elecricity.

Where does the elecricity in a simple circuit come from?

Either a battery or a generator

What supplies energy to move elecricity through a circuit?

In a circuit, the energy needed to move electricity is provided by a power source such as a battery or a generator. This power source creates a voltage difference between the circuit's components, which pushes the electric charges to flow through the circuit.

Do homes in Poland have running water and elecricity?

Yes, of course they do.