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Q: Who discovered electrons in ground or excited state?
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What does it mean when the electrons are excited?

They are in a higher energy orbital than the ground state.

Do atoms in the excited state have more electrons than in the ground state?

Yes, because an atom in an excited state will normally give off energy and go to a less-excited state or to its ground state. Some atoms have long-lived excited states and are called "metastable".

An atom in an excited state contains more of what type of energy than the same atom in the ground state?

more electrons than an atom in the ground state

Will the total number of electrons change when a specific element's electrons gain energy to shift from the ground state to the excited state?

No. The atom in this case i not ionised.

State in which electrons have jumped to a higher energy level?

state in which electrons have absorbed energy and "jumped" to a higher energy level

What is difference between a ground state electrons configuration and an excited state configuration?

In the ground state all the (only one for Hydrogen)) electrons is in the lowest stable orbit. If the electron gains energy (usually from a photon) it will orbit in a higher energy state (called excited).

What is the state when all electrons of an atom are in the lowest possible energy levels?

whenever they are in there most stable state , then they are at their lowest energy level. as u provide energy , they get excited and then upgrade to further energy level . and due to loss of energy , they regain earlier positions.

Ground state vs excited state?

A ground state is an outer orbital electron of an element that is at its lowest possible energy level. The electron in an excited state has a higher energy level than a ground state electron. The average distance from the nucleus is greater in the excited state than in the ground state.

When electrons move from a high energy excited state to a low energy ground state. E Energy is absorbed by the atom?

Energy is released

Why is visible light given off when a salt such as sodium chloride is exposed to a flame?

excited electrons returning to the ground state.

What is the term for an atom whose electrons have the lowest possible energies?

The term for an atom whose electrons have the lowest possible energies is "ground state." In this state, electrons are in their lowest energy levels or orbitals, closest to the nucleus. Excited states refer to when electrons are in higher energy levels, further away from the nucleus.

When one electron moves from the 4th shell to the 2nd shell in hydrogen is energy absorbed or emitted by the atom?

The energy is absorbed by the electrons because work needs to be done on the electrons to raise them to an excited state. Energy is stored in the electrons while they are in their excited state and would emit energy if they returned to their ground state.