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Q: Who discovered the mixing of seven colours give white light?
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What is Newton's color wheel?

It is a disc that is divided into coloured segments. It can have three segments, each shaded with one of the primary colours red, green and blue, or it can be divided into seven segments shaded with the colours of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When you spin the disc rapidly the colours merge to give the appearance of white light. It shows that what we see as white is in fact a combination of all colours.

What were Isaac Newton's discoveries?

Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist and chemist whose many important contributions to science (and discoveries) laid down the foundation for much of the progress in science as we know it. He was a co-inventor of calculus; he unraveled the mysteries of light and optics; he formulated the three laws of motion, deriving from them the law of universal gravitation. See related links for further information.

How many colors were used in the bayeux tapestry?

Seven colors were used to dye the wool in the Bayeux tapestry.YellowYellowish-BrownDark GreenLight GreenBluish-GreenBlueGrayThe dyes used for coloring the wool were often very expensive and were only available to nobility. Red dyes were made from an insect only found in the Mediterranean. Green dyes were made from Chlorophyll found in plants and lichen. And Dyer's woad (AKA. Asp of Jerusalem) was used to create the blue colors.

Why is the lighthouse of Alexandria was important?

It’s one of the seven wonders of the ancient world

How many Spartans were there for every helot?

Each Spartan citizen was allotted the produce of seven helots to support them. They also took seven helots to war for each Spartan warrior - these acted as light infantry, and at the same time reduced the threat of a helot uprising at home while the Spartans were away. At the battle of Plataea in 479 BCE, there were 5,000 Spartan hoplites (armoured warriors) and 35,000 helot light infantry.

Related questions

Who discovered white light can split into the seven different rainbow colours?

A person

Who discovered that light is made up of 7 colours?

Isaac Newton discovered that white light is made up of seven different colors when he passed sunlight through a glass prism.

What are primary colors of light?

This Q&A is about light colours. Paint colours are substances, and different from light colours.If you hold up a glass prism to a beam of sunlight, you'll see the light form a rainbow of colours. This is called the spectrum. It consists of all the colours that make up "white" light.Although you might be able to see seven colours in the spectrum, the white light is really made up of three basic colours. These are called the primary colours because they cannot be made from any other colours. The primary colours of light are red-orange, green, and violet blue. The other colours you see in spectrums or rainbows are made by a mixture of the primary colours.When the naked eye looks at the spectrum, it can see three mixed colours, which are called secondary colours. The secondary colours in light are green-blue, yellow, and magenta-red. You can produce these colours by mixing the primary colours in certain combinations.

What happens to the light if the light shines through a prism?

White light separates into seven colours

Who discovered that white light made of many colours?

Sir Isaac Newton discovered that white light was made of seven different colors in the 17th century. He was able to prove that when some of the white light from the sun passes through a prism shaped piece of glass, the light scatters into a spectrum, which is a spectrum of what we know as the rainbow.

Why does the light splits into seven colors when it passes through a prism?

Because the light we see is the seven colours and when we put it through a prism it splits up (or refracts) and makes it easier to see the colours

What is the color of light?


How do different colors appear on CD?

When white light shines on the CD, the light is separated into seven colours, so different colours appear on the CD.

Why do you get a mirky color and not white when mixing the seven colors of the rainbow?

Technically in a lab situation if you have a spinner with all the colours on and spin it you should see white however if your referring to mixing the colours together using paint it will coagulate in a way which wont be white to the eye.

What is the break up of white light into seven colours?

It is the refraction of white light being shone through a glass prism, or a raindrop, that separates the white light into the colours of the rainbow.

How can we split up white light into the seven colours of the spectrum?

Use a prism.

What color can absorb all other seven colors of Sun?

white light is made up of all the colours so that means white light can absorb all the colours