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Bullies tend not to make such distinctions. They bully whoever they can get by with bullying the most in whatever specific circumstance. Some may pick on short, skinny kids more, while others will target obese teens. Their rationale may be that the little kids look like freaks, or that the obese kids chose to be fat or don't respect themselves. While different bullies have different criteria for victims, and they tend to have different superficial reasons for why they do it, they all seem to suffer a need to try to control others or to get attention or a laugh at someone else's expense.

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Q: Who do bullies pick on the most little kids or big kids?
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Why do bullies pick on younger and weaker kids?

because they know that wicked kids can revenge them

Why do Bullies want to Pick on Kids?

Because they have no life and trive on hurting others

What are the bullies like in UK?

Bullies are the same everywhere no matter what country you live in, they are nasty vile people who do not have any real friends, so they will pick on the person who is most vulnerable so they can experience a little bit of power, they really are big cowards at heart.

Why do bullies pick on people?

Bullies may pick on others due to various reasons such as seeking attention, feeling insecure about themselves, wanting to feel powerful, or mimicking behavior they have seen modeled. It is essential to address the root cause of their behavior and provide them with appropriate support and guidance to promote positive interactions.

Is most bullying racist?

no, most bullying is wanting power over some1. Normally the bullies pick a topic to bully on like if they r fat or tiny.

Do you have to be a child to be bullied?

Anyone, from 8 to 80, can be nettled, ridiculed, or bullied. Bullies pick on anyone smaller, weaker, or different from them. Stand up for yourself confidently, and get help from others if you need it. Bullying should never be ignored or condoned. Bullies are the kids, and need to grow up.

Who are the biggest bullies?

the biggest bullies are the people who are craving for attention and are insecure about them selves so they pick on others to hide their own problems xx

Most kids are bullied because they are different?

because bullies pick on who they think are easy targets to make themselves feel better.the people the pick on usually give signs whether its as simple as looking down when theyre being talked to or sighing even shaking hands, bullies pick up on it and thrive on it. the people being bullied are usually always the nicest people too, the most caring they share that in their presence and its something that people who bully cant understand. its got nothing to do with the victims being weak or needing to drink more milk. if you think bullying is a joke you should be ashamed. think about all those kids who commit suicide because of bullies. grow up.Because they are weak. If those kid want to be strong, they should do more exercise and drink more milk!

Why do you think bullies pick the people they do as victims?

they are probably jelous or the person is easy to get to

How old do you have to go on Habbo?

Habbo is a 'hangout' for teenagers so i would say 13+ but most little kids go on habbo to be honest and habbo are completely unaware,yes some teenagers go on there and swear alot and the little kids pick those voul words up when they grow,most kids that are on habbo now swear,Habbo should fix this little problem(P.S those kids i was talking about fake there age and say their 16 or 14)

How bad is it to bully?

Bullying is the oldest story in the book. Unlike what most people think a lot of bullies hurt from the inside and take it out on others or that is the only way they get attention. Bullies are the ones who need love. Its not so much as bad as sad. But you must understand that bullies aren't the only ones suffering. The other kids they pick on hurt everyday. Like the nerds. How would you like being pushed around all day because the one thing you are really good at, and will get you a high paying career, gets you picked on?

How bad is it to?

Bullying is the oldest story in the book. Unlike what most people think a lot of bullies hurt from the inside and take it out on others or that is the only way they get attention. Bullies are the ones who need love. Its not so much as bad as sad. But you must understand that bullies aren't the only ones suffering. The other kids they pick on hurt everyday. Like the nerds. How would you like being pushed around all day because the one thing you are really good at, and will get you a high paying career, gets you picked on?