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Most dogs sniff there back sides and they wouldn't bark at each other.

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Q: Who do older male dogs show affection to puppies just moving in?
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Can you give older dogs milk?

older dogs seem to tolerate milk, but for puppies cows milk is 100 percent fatal if ingested. the safest type og milk even for old dogs or puppies is goat milk.

What conditions affect the sleep of domesticated puppies?

Tickling affects older dogs more than puppies, because puppies sleep a lot. I have don't this experiment with my dogs. The older dog is more affected by tickling or other noises and feelings than the puppy is.

Why dog dogs have puppies?

Becuase they just do to keep the life cycle moving.

Why do puppies pee on you?

Puppies lick you as a mere sign of affection. It is basically a dogs way of kissing somebody.

What puppies need to be healthy?

Generally they need rest (puppies sleep more then older dogs), clean water, the right amount of food (puppies will eat more than older dogs), and excercise. Regular vaccinations and check-ups at the vet will also help to keep your dog healthy.

How Much space do puppies and dogs take up?

A LOT! If your dog has puppies then it could take up to a whole house for them to play and run around. You can keep it to a limit though, like maybe a large living room. If you have dogs and puppies though, it might be better if you keep the big dogs (except the mother and father) away from the puppies so the puppies do not get hurt. Especially if you have newborns and older puppies like 9 month olds, because the older puppies don't know what's right and wrong and could play to rough with the younger puppies.

Are Malti-poo dogs cute when older?

Yes! They are very cute when puppies, and still cute when adults!

Does Don Sullivan work with older dogs not just puppies?

Yes! He trains dogs of any age! We bought his DVDs recently! Great stuff!

When do labs have puppies What age do they have to b?

The older the better,the usual age is at least a year in cats and dogs...The older they are the more maturer their nurturing skills and mothering will be

Why do dogs start to become inactive and not as playful as they were when they were puppies?

Dogs will become inactive as they get older. Its just old age. But have their teeth checked - sometimes it is tooth pain.

What state do puppies like the most?

Puppies like the state Florida the best. I have studied the behavior of puppies and dogs for many years and out of thousands of dogs and puppies and species, the puppies and dogs liked Florida the best.

How often do dogs have puppies?

Dogs normally have puppies every 6 months.