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Q: Who do you call fist when you have a boat oil spill?
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Who was on the Exxon Valdez when the oil spill happened?

the drunk captain of the boat The captain of the boat

What do you call it when 200 blacks are swimming?

an oil spill

How do they call people that study oil spill?

They must first determine the phone number of the people who are studying the oil spill. Next, a telephone is used to place the call.

Is people still clearing the oil spill from the Rena boat?

yes they are but not very fast

When was the last oil spill?

the last oil spill was the oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico

What are some typical causes of oil spills?

People could spill oil on purpose and don't realize its bad. A truck carrying oil could tip and spill oil all over the road. Technology is used to clean oil spills too.

What is oil spoil?

oil spill is when a boat or something else spills oil in the water or in the forests.a lot of oil spills happen when people drill for oil or when there's a leak somewhere they keep oil.

Who should you call first if you call first if you have an oil or fuel spill?

Notify the US Coast Guard immediately.

How does an oil spill form?

It forms when huge ships call tankers transport oils to the factories and then it bump or crash into a rock or ice. the oils from the ship spills into the ocean leading to an oil spill

What are the other names of BP oil spill?

The 'Deepwater Horizon oil spill', also called the 'BP Oil Spill', the 'Gulf of Mexico oil spill' or the 'Macondo blowout'... ---- Wikipedia

what are skimmers used for oil spill clean up?

None. Skimmers are mechanical devices, which use the surface tension of the oil to pull oil into a boat.

What was the most rescent oil spill?

Deepwater Horizen oil spill.