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You typically contact your local post office or postal service for permission to move a mailbox. They will provide guidance on the proper location and installation requirements to ensure mail delivery is not interrupted.

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Q: Who do you contact for permission to move a mailbox?
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Is it legal in Pennsylvania to move out at the age of 16 with parental permission?

In Pennsylvania, a minor can move out with parental permission, which would need to be in writing and notarized. It's important to also consider other factors such as where the minor will live and how they will be supported financially.

Is it legal to remove someone's mailbox without permission?

No, it is illegal to remove someone's mailbox without permission. Mailboxes are protected by federal laws such as the Mailbox Access Rule, which prohibits tampering with or destroying mailboxes. Violating these laws can result in fines or other legal repercussions.

Can you move in a abandoned house?

It is not legal to move into an abandoned house without the owner's permission. You could face legal consequences for trespassing or squatting. It's best to contact the owner or local authorities if you want to explore the possibility of living in the property.

Is it legal remove your mailbox?

No, it is illegal to remove a mailbox that is approved by the United States Postal Service. Mailboxes are considered federal property, and tampering with or removing them can result in legal consequences. If you need to make changes to your mailbox, contact your local post office for guidance.

Can you move out of your parents house at 16 in New York without their permission?

No, in New York, a minor under 18 cannot legally move out of their parents' home without their permission. Minors are typically considered dependents until they reach the age of majority, which is 18.

Related questions

How do you move the Mailbox?

You pick it up and move it,

I do not have a mailbox number I am trying to contact you?

Well, don't contact me lol

Can a 15 year old move in with her boyfriend and his parents?

Only if her parents have given permission. And if there is sexual contact, it could be illegal to do so.

When can you legally move out of your parents' house with their permission?

If your parents give you permission, you can move out at any time. Giving that permission does not releave them of their responsibilities for you.

Can you legally give your son permission to move out?

Yes, you can give them permission to move out. It will not remove your responsibility for their welfare.

How do you get Permission to use the Jeep trademark?

You have to contact them and get permission and usually you have to sign a contract.

Can you move out at seventeen in nh with your parents permission?

Yes, with parental permission you can move out. Otherwise you have to wait until you are an adult.

Is it illegal to go into another persons mailbox and check their mail to see what they got with out their permission?

Yes. It is illegal for you to open anyone else's mailbox for ANY reason. You are not allowed to put anything into someone's mail box, either.

Is it illegal to mail a letter in any mailbox other than your own?

While you may not OPEN mail addressed to someone else without their permission, it is perfectly lawful to use ANY public mailbox you wish, there is no problem.

Can a 15 year old move in with an 18 year old with parent consent in Wisconsin?

That will depend on the specific situation. The parents can give permission to live anywhere. However, if there is to sexual contact, they cannot give permission to break the law.

How old do you have to be to move out with parents permission in Michigan?

With your parents' permission you can move out at any age. That does not relieve your parents of their responsibility for you. You need to be 17 and 6 months to move out.

Can a person move out when they are seventeen in Illinois is there anything to that to not let her move out?

With parental permission, the child can move out. If there is no parental permission, the child is a runaway and is subject to applicable punishment.