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In the US , we learn that Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb.

In the UK, we learn that Sir Joseph Swan invented the light bulb.

In reality they arrived at the same invention independently. Swan was first and patented his invention. Edison came up with is bulb, the following year and was unsuccessfully challenged in court. They decided to collaborate and formed the company 'Ediswan'.

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16h ago

Children often learn in school that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. However, it is important to note that there were other inventors who also made significant contributions to the development of the light bulb, such as Joseph Swan.

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A typical dress code in a private school is dark pants and light colored shirt is it true or false?

False. The typical dress code in a private school can vary depending on the individual school's policies. Some private schools may require dark pants and a light-colored shirt, while others may have different dress code requirements. It's best to check with the specific school for their regulations.

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A light-emitting diode (LED) emits light when an electric current passes through it. A photodiode, on the other hand, generates an electric current when exposed to light. In summary, an LED produces light, while a photodiode detects light.

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Yes, light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. It falls within the electromagnetic spectrum and is characterized by its wave-like behavior and ability to travel through a vacuum at the speed of light.

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This type of learning style is typically associated with extrinsic motivation, where individuals are driven by external rewards such as praise, grades, or competition. They may be more focused on meeting others' expectations and seeking approval rather than on intrinsic motivation or personal interest in the subject matter.

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Cirrus clouds are light and feathery in appearance. These high-altitude clouds are made up of ice crystals and typically indicate fair weather.

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