

Who drinks with a meal?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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if you are a person who drinks when you eat (when you get thirsty)

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Q: Who drinks with a meal?
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water or pure fruit juces

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The "tab" is the account for a meal or a round of drinks. To pick up the tab is to pay the bill for the meal or drinks. This means paying for at least one other person as well as yourself.

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You can ask for drinks on Eva Air International Flights. They serve you during meal times.

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Not very long. Eat something.

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There is no reason why a softdrink could not be drunk with a meal.

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Nothing of notable significance.

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Almost all drinks are vegetarian, so an individual can drink whatever they wish with a meal, from water to juice to soda to alcohol to sports drinks to seltzer and so on.

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Ensure that he/she eats a meal and drinks a one quart canteen of water.

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GREEN TEA one cup with every meal

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Refreshments is the plural of refreshment, when used as a cookery term meaning snacks and drinks served as a light meal

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One method is to say food/ a meal will be provided and the bar will be open for purchasing drinks.