

Who elected Hitler as a government?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The German people did.

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Q: Who elected Hitler as a government?
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I think that they weren't elected.

What type of government replaced the democratically elected weimar republic?

The government that replaced the democratically elected Weimar Republic in Germany was the totalitarian Nazi regime under Adolf Hitler. Hitler became the chancellor in 1933 and gradually consolidated his power, eventually transforming Germany into a one-party state with himself as the absolute dictator. This new government was known as the Third Reich.

When Hitler rose to power?

Hitler was elected as the Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

Was Hitler elected or was he a dictator?

Hitler was both elected and was a dictator. In the late 1920s and early 1930s Hitler created the nazi party. He promised things such as jobs for everyone and eventually gained enough support to be elected.

When did Hitler get appointed to lead Germany?

Hitler wasn't "appointed" he was elected in 1933.

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Hitler was elected democratically but then made himself a dictator.

What type of government did Germany have before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany?

von Hindenburg was in power but when he died Hitler came into power

How did Hitler come to power and begin World War 2?

WWII means the world war the world was fighting a war. and Hitler was elected in 1933 as German leader then the government handed power over to the Nazi party.

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Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.

Why was Hitler able to come to power in Germany?

He was elected.