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The Nazis murdered many millions of people. Communists, homosexuals, Roma (gypsies), the physically and mentally infirm, Slavs, and other various "enemies of the Reich" were murdered indiscriminately. A special effort, though, was made to make Europe "Judenrein" - free of Jews.

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Q: Who else was exterminated other than Jews during World War 2?
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What happened to Jews in Germany during world war 2?

They were exterminated by the Nazi regime.

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people who are being prosecuted for their beliefs by other people who do not agree with them, a classic example of that happened during the Second world war, where Jews were being rounded up and exterminated by the Nazi Regime of Germany.

Where Jews were held by the nazi and slowly exterminated?

They were held and exterminated, but not very slowly.

What does aushwitz mean?

Auschwitz was a German concentration camp during the Holocaust where Jews were exterminated by Nazis. Auschwitz was the largest of the German concentration camps where Jews and others were exterminated. Look up the name properly spelled on Yahoo or Google

Why did itler believe that Jews and other subhumanshad to be exterminated?

Hitler had more than one form of insanity.

Where were Jews and undesirables sent to be exterminated?

Concentration camps

How was the Holocaust racist?

Jews and Gypsies were exterminated because of ideoogical assumptions about their race and for no other reason.

Why did the position of the Jews worsen in Nazi Germany?

Because the Nazis decided the Jews had no rights and were to be exterminated

Why did Hitler believe the Jews and other subhumans had to be exterminated?

To protect racial purity - not only eliminate the Jews but also other races, nationalities. ___ Initially, Hitler believed that people he regarded as 'subhuman' needed to be out of Greater Germany and the 'living space'. There was a plan put in place for the use of the french colony of Madagascar to be used as a homeland for the Jews. It wasn't until Hitler and his henchmen realised how much it would cost and the fact that communism needed to be defeated that Hitler and his people came up with the 'final solution' of extermination. ___ First of all, there is no such thing as "subhumans" he believed that the Jews were the cause of all the problems and troubles in Europe, so he exterminated most Jews, gypsies and homosexuals. In his sick mind he wanted a pure race and a world that would last a 1000 years.

Were the Ashkenazi Jews exterminated by Hitler because of their bad genes?

They were executed because they were Jews. They did not have "bad" genes.

Where was hitler when the jews were being exterminated?

He was the one giving the orders for extermination.