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Q: Who escaped from slavery but re4tured to the south to lead more than 300 slaves back to freedom?
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Should slaves that escaped be returned to their owners why or why not?

No, escaped slaves should not be returned to their owners. Slavery is a violation of basic human rights and freedom, and individuals have the right to seek freedom from such oppression. Returning escaped slaves would perpetuate the cycle of exploitation and deny them their right to autonomy and self-determination.

How many slaves in the north escaped on the underground railroad?

100,000 slaves escaped through the undreground railroad to freedom 50,000 slaves were reported to have escaped between 1830 and 1860.

What were slave that escaped slavery called?

Escaped slaves were often called fugitives, runaway slaves, or freedom seekers. They sought refuge and safety in places where they could live freely away from their owners.

Why did some slaves escape to Britain?

Some slaves escaped to Britain seeking freedom from slavery, as British law did not enforce the institution of slavery on British soil. Additionally, there were abolitionist movements in Britain that supported the cause of ending slavery. Escaping to Britain offered a chance for a better life and opportunities for former slaves.

Should escaped slaves be freed or returned to their owners?

Escaped slaves should be freed from bondage as slavery is unethical and goes against the principles of human rights and freedom. It is important to prioritize the well-being and autonomy of individuals over the property rights of slave owners.

What were the slaves fightng for?

Their freedom from slavery.

Why did African American partiots that the revolution would end slavery?

In November 1775 congress excluded African Americans from enlisting. This was done out of sensitivity to the opinion of southern slave owners. Yet, when the British offered freedom to any slave who would join them the decision was reversed. Altogether 5,000 free blacks and slaves served in the Continental army during the revolution. By 1778 many states granted freedom to slaves who served in the Revolution. Many slaves also escaped and in Georgia alone 5,000 slaves escaped. In South Carolina a quarter of the slaves escaped to freedom.

Why did the slaves want the underground railroad?

Slaves wanted their freedom. Many escaped to Canada.

Slaves engaged in active resistance to slavery when they?

escaped to a maroon colony.

What was the greatest danger that people who had escaped slavery faced once they were free?

After escaping slavery, people still faced numerous dangers, including: Recapture: Slave owners and slave catchers actively searched for escaped slaves and could capture and return them to slavery. Violence: Escaped slaves were often hunted down and subjected to physical violence or even killed by those who supported slavery. Discrimination: Once free, former slaves often faced discrimination and were denied access to basic rights and services, such as education, employment, and housing. Poverty: Many escaped slaves had few resources or opportunities, which made it difficult to support themselves or their families. Separation from family: Escaped slaves often had to leave their families behind when they fled, and were often unable to reunite with them after gaining their freedom. Overall, escaping slavery was only the first step towards freedom, and former slaves faced numerous dangers and challenges as they tried to build new lives for themselves. Despite these difficulties, many former slaves persevered and made significant contributions to their communities and to society as a whole.

What did the escaped slaves do or join to live?

Escaped slaves often joined existing communities of free African Americans, formed their own independent settlements, or sought refuge in abolitionist networks that helped them find safe passage to freedom in the North or Canada. Some escaped slaves also joined the Underground Railroad or engaged in other forms of resistance against slavery.

What was slaves called when they escaped?

Slaves who escaped were often referred to as fugitives, runaways, or freedom seekers. Some escaped slaves were also called maroons, particularly those who formed independent communities in remote areas.