

Who explains the circumstances of Tybalt death?

Updated: 6/7/2022
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9y ago

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The Nurse explains the circumstances of Tybalt's death to Juliet because Tybalt is Juliet's cousin.

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Savannah Schowalter

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Q: Who explains the circumstances of Tybalt death?
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Who does romeo kill to avenge in his friend's death?

Mercutio ! ,

Tybalt is portrayed as a villain in the play and yet his death is not a positive event. why is Tybalt's death bad for romeo and Juliet?

because romeo killed Tybalt and therefore he is banished

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he died.. romeos

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In Romeo and Juliet when the prince arrives Benvolio explains to him what has happened. This occurs after he counsels Romeo to run away so he won't be executed for Tybalt's death.

Who does the nurse blame for the death of Tybalt and why?

The nurse blames Romeo for the death of Tybalt because Romeo killed Tybalt in a duel after Tybalt killed Mercutio. This creates tension and conflict in the play, as the nurse is close to both Romeo and the Capulet family.

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Benvolio informs the Prince that Tybalt killed Mercutio, and in retaliation, Romeo killed Tybalt. He explains that he tried to separate them, but Tybalt provoked the fight leading to the tragic events.

In Romeo and Juliet why was Tybalt death untimely?

Because Romeo murdered Tybalt after Tybalt killed Mercutio. It was untimely because it was by an unnatural cause.

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romeo went to find Tybalt not Tybalt to find romeo after Mercutios death to get revenge

Why is romeo being banished?

For the death of Tybalt.

Why is mercutio not responsible for the death of Tybalt?

Mercution is dead when Tybalt is murdered by Romeo. Dead people do not commit crimes.

Why does the prince banish the surviving killer instead of sentencing him to death for Tybalt?

The prince decides to banish the surviving killer, Romeo, because he considers the circumstances of Tybalt's death and believes that Romeo acted out of love and self-defense rather than malice. Additionally, Romeo is related to the prince's own cousin, Mercutio, who was killed by Tybalt, so the prince may show leniency due to the intertwined relationships and complexities of the situation.