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The southeners, because they used slaves for their main cash crop.

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Q: Who felt that abolition of slavery would destroy the economy?
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Related questions

Why did southern slave owners fear northern attitudes towards slavery?

The loss of slavery would threaten the Southern economy.

When do you capitalize abolition?

Abolition is rarely capitalized. It occasionally is when referring to the abolition of slavery.

Was Slavery was the one and only cause of the Civil War?

No, the main causes of the Civil War were Slavery, economy and social differences, states vs. federal rights, and growth of abolition movement. Some of these came from about.comso if you want that website would be good for that question.

What men proposed amendments to the constitution that would outlaw the abolition of slavery?

John Crittenden

Did the north like slavery?

It was not as accepted in the north, and was not as important in the economy, as for the south, without slavery there economy would fail.

What would have taken longer if there had been no civil war?

The complete abolition of slavery and equal rights.

Why did some southern states want to withdraw from the Union?

The North and South were arguing about the existance of slavery, and Abraham Lincoln was elected president. He was anti-slavery, and abolishing slavery would destroy the South's slave based economy (cotton). They seceeded from the Union to keep their slaves.

Would the attempted abolition of slavery threaten the foundation of the union?

In the first few years of the Civil War, the question of slavery's abolition was, indeed, a hotly debated topic. To declare the abolition of slavery could, some reasoned, threaten the foundation of the Union by pushing the secessionists into even more fearsome defiance than what had already been shown. What was critically necessary, advocates of abolition realized, was a military victory that would give the North the needed momentum by which to make an emancipation proclamation with full confidence.

Why did the confederate states of America seceed?

The secession was sparked by the election of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 elections and the victory of the Republican Party.

Why was slavery tolerated when the US was founded?

Slavery was tolerated at the founding of the United States because some of the most powerful of the States were slave states and would not agree to abolition of slavery. If slavery had not been tolerated, the country would not have been founded in the first place

What was the main concern about slavery for both the North and South in 1850?

How slavery would affect the economy

What did Thoreau predict about slavery?

Thoreau predicted that slavery would eventually collapse because it was morally wrong and unsustainable. He believed that people's conscience and sense of justice would lead to the abolition of slavery.