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The first shots in the Mexican American War were fired by troops under the command of General Pedro de Ampudia.

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Q: Who fired the first shot in the Mexican American war?
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Who shot first in the American Civil War The North or the South?

The South fired the first shot in the American Civil War.

Where was the first shot fired in the American revolution war?

Nobody knows for sure. A shot was fired, and troops on both sides fell to.

Who fired the first gun in the American Revolution?

The British fired the first shots of American Revolutionary War at Lexington, on April 18,1775.

The first shot of the American revolution was fired at?

Lexington, Massachusetts

Location of the shot heard around the world?

The "shot heard round the world" was fired at Lexington.

Which side fired shot of the American revolution?

The British fired the first shots of American Revolutionary War at Lexington, on April 18,1775.

When was the first shots fired of the American revolution?

On April 18, 1775, in Lexington, the British ordered for the minutemen to go home and they refused so someone fired a shot and that was known as the "shot heard around the world" and the first shot of the American Revoultion. Til' this day, they still dont know who fired the shot.

who fired first shot in the American Revolutionary War?

No one knows who fired the "shot heard around the world."acually they were fired in lexington,Massachusetts

Who fired the first shot of the American Revolution?

The british fired the first shot at the americans.

What is the battle of lexington about?

It was where the first shot was fired in the American Revolution against Britain on April 19 1776. Nobody knows who fired the first shot. The Americans were pushed back into Concord.

Where were the 1st shots fired that started the American Revolution?

The first shots fired in the American Revolution, often referred to as "The Shot Heard 'Round the World," were fired at Lexington, Massachusetts.

Who fired the shot heard around the world?

No one knows who fired the first shot at Lexington beginning the American Revolution. In Europe, Gavrilo Princip fired the shot that killed the Archduke Ferdinand and ignited World War 1.