

Who formed delian league and why?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Who formed delian league and why?
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Related questions

When was the delian league formed?

477 BC

Did Athens formed the delian league?

yes they did

Who formed the Delian League with other city-states including Sparta?

Athens formed the Delian League with other city states including Sparta

Why did Greek city-states form the delian league?

they formed the delian league because they had to join toegether to defeat the Persians

Why did Greek city state form the Delian league?

they formed the delian league because they had to join toegether to defeat the Persians

What did the Athens form to prevent another Persian invasion?

The Athenians formed the Delian League.

Who helped form the Delian league?

It was primarily the city - state of Athens that formed the Delian League which was a loose coalition of other Greek city - states (Polis) to thwart Persian expansionist policies . Below at the related link is a list of Delian members .

What was ruled by Athens and Delian League?

Athens ruled the Delian League.

Why did Greek city state form the Delian league true or false?

It is true that about 180 Greek city-states formed the Delian League to protect themselves from Persian rule. Not sure why 'why' would be 'true of false'.

Why in part did Sparta form it's own peloponnesian league?

The power of the Athenian led Delian league and to curb the power of Argos and Corinth. "Sparta formed its Pelopnnesian League, motivated at least partly by Athen's use of Delian League funds to rebuild its Acropolis"

When did Wars of the Delian League happen?

Wars of the Delian League happened in -449.

What was the main city of the Delian League is dominated?

The city that was the head of the Delian League was Athens, Greece.